Free and Open Source Software
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cross-posted from: > Looking for Open source Job boards for developers. > > Extra points: Crypto payments, Decentralized sht (from i2p to torrent to DAOS), No KYC, Rust > > Also be nice to see non-open source job boards (apart from obviously Fiverr and Upwork) > > [Picture] is from for some reason if yoyu are not logged in with an account with a lot of contributions you can't see non "Good first issue"

In case of paywall, read it here:

Looking for advice - Help me advocate for my employer to open up our products to Home Assistant integration
First, some background - I work in technical support for a Chinese manufacturer making (among other things) home monitoring devices. I'm our resident open source enthusiast in the North American market, not that any of my bosses know or care. My background is not in comp sci or networking, so the only applicable knowledge I have is from my meager experience with my own home lab. We have a product (I'll refer to it here as the Brain) that communicates wirelessly with our other devices, takes the data from them, sends the data encrypted to our servers, and is available to our customers through our web portal or phone app. We got a support ticket recently from a customer (and software developer) asking technical questions about the communication protocol from the Brain to our servers. This customer was trying to work on Home Assistant integration for our product stack, but was hitting some roadblock that I can't even pretend to understand. To my understanding, the integration would allow a Home Assistant server to locally gather the same information sent to our servers. After escalating the issue to our HQ team and some back and forth there, eventually the answer was that the data transfer is encrypted and we aren't going to share any details about it. We don't officially support this type of integration and have no plans to. Our tech contact at HQ offered to sell API access to this customer, but obviously that isn't what he was hoping to hear. The customer replied that this answer didn't surprise him, but that he would be happy to develop the Home Assistant integration if we made the necessary information available to him. So, here's my questions - How can I advocate from within my company to open up this aspect of our platform for open source devs to integrate our products into Home Assistant and other open source IOT platforms? Has anyone successfully made a case for this kind of thing within their own companies? What talking points can I use that my higher ups will actually listen to and understand? I'm considering reaching out to the customer privately to seek a better understanding of what he needs from our platform. Does that seem ill-advised to anyone here? TLDR - My employer manufactures IOT devices and locks down the platform with proprietary networking protocols. A customer and developer is seeking to write an integration for our products to work locally with Home Assistant. My higher ups said that isn't possible and I want to convince them to make the changes necessary for it to work.

My experience with LineageOS tonight
so.. i'm running lineageOS on my phone (a Oneplus 6T) , have been for a very long time. Usually i'm really happy with this but not tonight: - Phone suggest a update of OS , just a weekly build. Sure why not, so it does it thing and i reboot, all good. - Open a app to listen to some podcast: screen goes black flickers a couple of times showing empty launcher. thankfully power button long press shows shutdown menu (but looks different from normal?) and lets me restart - do same thing again , ok looks like latest update broke something - update app, same - go to settings , updates to try to revert to previous version: no option to install older version , only option is export. weird ok lets try to export old version . Now it lets me install that - installation loops , seems it failed - try app again, same black screen , hold power button to get boot menu again : now phone says ERASING .. wait what stop no .. (does lineage have a panic wipe my phone key combo i didn't know about?) - rebooting , rebooting again - welcome setup your phone screen :( - remember that my cloud server disk burned last week , no way to restore backups :( :(

cross-posted from: > While Plasma 6.0 was all about getting the migration to the underlying Qt 6 frameworks correct (and what a massive job that was), 6.1 is where developers start implementing the features that will take your desktop to a new level. > > In this release, you will find features that go far beyond subtle changes to themes and tweaks to animations (although there is plenty of those too), as you delve into interacting with desktops on remote machines, become more productive with usability and accessibility enhancements galore, and discover customizations that will even affect the hardware of your computer. > > These features and more are being built directly into Plasma's Wayland version natively, avoiding the need for third party software and hacky extensions required by similar solutions implemented in X. > > Things will only get more interesting from here. But meanwhile enjoy what will land on your desktop with your next update. > > Some of the new features: > - Improved remote desktop support with a new built-in server > - Overhauled desktop edit mode > - Restoration of open applications from the previous session on Wayland > - Synchronization of > keyboard LED colors with the desktop accent color > - Making mouse cursor bigger and easier to find by shaking it > - Edge barriers (a sticky > area for mouse cursor near the edge between screens) > - Explicit support eliminates flickering and glitches for NVidia graphics card users on Wayland > - Triple Buffering support for smoother animations and screen rendering

Not the creator, just stumbled across this and thought FOSS on Beehaw might like it

Why FOSS projects are using proprietary, privacy invasive infrastructure?
cross-posted from: > As you can easily notice, today many open source projects are using some services, that are… sus. > > For example, Github is the most popular place to store your project code and we all know, who owns it. And not to forget that sketchy AI training on every line of your code. Don't we have alternatives? Oh, yes we have. Gitlab, Codeberg, Notabug, etc. You can even host your own Gitea or Forgejo instance if you want. > > Also, Crowdin is very popular in terms of software (and docs) translation. Even Privacy Guides and The New Oil use Crowdin, even though we have FLOSS Weblate, that you can easily self-host or use public instances. > > So, my question is: if you are building a FLOSS / privacy related project, why using proprietary and privacy invasive tools?

What happened to Louis Rossman’s live yesterday?
Yesterday, there was a live scheduled by Louis Grossman, titled "Addressing futo license drama! Let's see if I get fired...". I was unable to watch it live, but now the stream seems to be gone from YouTube. Did it air and was later removed? Or did it never happen in the first place? Here's the link to where it was meant to happen: Cheers Edit: a new video was recently posted at the following link: I do not know if this was the supposedly edited and reuploaded video or if this is unrelated.

  • hedge
  • English
  • 1M
Can I like pictures on Pixelfed from Beehaw?
Mrs. Hedge finally ditched Instagram and is moving to Pixelfed! 🙂👍🎉 Would like to like her posts but not sure if I can from here . . .

It removes pay walls. It rejects cookie requests. It blocks ads. It fixes the internet. It is magnificent.

cross-posted from: > Zed on Linux is out!

Best Google Maps replacement on desktop?
I was planning a trip recently, so what I did was save all the places I wanted to go to into a list, and Maps would put a little pin there, and then I could use that to see what was close to one another (I'll add a screenshot later) I dont think osm has a feature like that while were here, what do you all use in mobile?

Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
I'm currently paying a moderate amount to atlassian to host jira for me, and I'm looking for a FOSS way to replace it. I don't use it every month and I've decided it's not worth continuing to pay, plus I want to transition to FOSS wherever I can. I just *feel trapped*. I'm sure people here know the feeling when using proprietary stuff. I've used hosted bugzilla before, and possibly I didn't know enough about how to make it work, but the web frontend they had was garbage, it was unintuitive and took forever to respond, and I just transitioned to jira because it was easier to use. I'm happy to self-host for now and maybe pay for hosting if I want to collaborate in the future. I have a Ubuntu server at home with miles of headroom to run a webserver. I would love to hear anyone's opinions here. Also any other relevant lemmy subs would be very welcome. Edit: some good questions about my requirements. I'm doing software development on personal projects using git, and I'm tracking issues using jira. I'm also developing hardware, which means 3d print files, CNC files and possibly gerbers for PCBs. All this can be tracked via git, so actually having an in-house way to host all that would be great too. So I need an issue tracker that syncs with git, essentially. I have also been using jira to kind of ad-hoc document any research involved in these things, but it's not great because to find any of that documentation I need to dig into my closed issues. I'd like a documentation system that can handle diagrams, drawings and stuff like that, and if this could double as a general note-taking solution I'd love that too, because I've been trying to replace trello/onenote for that. EDIT 2: Thanks for all the replies. I plan to investigate all the suggestions, my health has just been really bad since I posted this, but I always try to update anyone who offers help.

Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software
A great resource that makes it quick and easy to find alternatives to Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe and many more.

Can’t download Signal fork Molly
Their website says to get it on F-Droid: But it's not on there. Did it get delisted for some reason?

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  • Rin
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what’s your current linux distro?
wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with wifi and didn't love the GNOME layout. I have a new distro picked out, but I just was curious what other people are using in this community. was also wondering what made you fall on your current one. and maybe as some bonus questions, what are some distros you've tried but didn't like? what about a distro you want to try eventually? I've seen distrohopping is a thing, hahaha.

Found this blog post and found it had more insight into the issues around the dev and the toxicity in FOSS

Signal on Linux
How is it possible, that Signal *still* only provides a .deb package and no .rpm, or even better AppImage or Flatpak? There is an unofficial Flatpak but is it secure?

Question: How do you donate to FOSS contributors
Hi guys, I want to give something back (in terms of money) to FOSS projects/devs/teams. There are lots of options like LibrePay, direct donation via PayPal, Crypto and so on. So here is my question: is there anything you would recommend? I think I want something like this: - Low transaction costs - Payment works from inside the EU (European Union) - Donating to a certain project or a "pool" of projects But I am also open to any further ideas and discussion :)

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As mentioned in the comments, plain text keys aren't bad because they are necessary. You have to have at least one plain text key in order to be able to use encryption

Just a little system tray icon to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. Originally created last year as a simple one-off project in response to Windows 11 users getting mad about a pride icon appearing on their task bar. This year I remade it in Go, added support for Windows (7 and up), and improved compatibility with a variety of Linux environments. Let me know what you think, or don’t, just please be nice about it.

openSUSE Tumbleweed vs openSUSE MicroOS
I recently came across openSUSE again and decided to give it a try this time. I am daily driving Fedora 40 right now and before coming across openSUSE I wanted to switch to Fedora Kinoite or uBlue Aurora (i.e., immutable / atomic). That's why MicroOS piqued my interest but I had a hard time find information if MicroOS is suitable for daily driving as a atomic desktop or mainly used for a container host on a server. If someone has personal experience with openSUSE or could link me to a nice write up comparing the two I would be very thankful! ---------- Edit: In the [MicroOS portal]( it is described like this: > Rolling Release: Every new openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot also automatically produces a new openSUSE MicroOS release.

Is there a web browser that keeps websites loaded in background for android?
I use KoboldAI horde with TavrenAI and some AIs take a long time to get to me from the queue. I would like to use other apps while waiting but the site reloads when i enter the browser, which is native alpha and fennec

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