Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan
I am also, but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff
So construction waste is a subcategory of industrial waste. Typical industrial waste includes toxic materials like excess cement, fiberglass, bits of plastic from wires and cables. But once the data center is in place, most likely the waste will be e-waste in nature. Think heavy metals, copper, and yet more plastic. And the thing is… This is why they’re putting this data center here. Disposing of this toxic waste will be cheaper because it’s less regulated. The long term cost of high tech industries like this to neo-colonialized communities like this is the communities themselves. It doesn’t matter to Microsoft they’re making the water undrinkable. They don’t have to live there.
And realize, too. Bill Gates’ philanthropic missions aren’t accidents. He may not run the show at Microsoft anymore but he still benefits greatly from their business. His philanthropic efforts aren’t about making the lives of people who are exploited better. They’re about maintaining that cheap form of labor just a little bit longer. And that may not be Bill Gates’ actual intention, but the fact of the matter is he’s a billionaire. He could make much larger changes in the world by not being a billionaire. He has power and influence to do things the rest of us can’t, but instead of treating the illness he treats the symptoms. His actions sustain the system he benefits from
It drains battery on fresh installs for me. I just don’t bother. I don’t really see the appeal of chrome tbh. Obviously I have to use it occasionally since google content locks shit and so do employers, but there’s like… No real reason I’d use it as a daily driver. For my use cases and hardware its just plain worse
I eventually gave up and decided to see if they were being hostile to my network and privacy settings. Lo and behold, I was able to log in when I adjusted the strictness of my VPN. Fortunately the service I was trying to exchange currency for was a better VPN with more security and privacy, so I was willing to take the L on that one interactions
Pretty common feature. Sublime, Lapce, VS Code, certain Emacs distributions, certain NeoVim GUIs… We live in a world where a lot of people have GPUs and CPUs aren’t getting faster so if you want to get more work done (ie, running LSPs, tree sitter, completion engines, snippet engines, debuggers etc) you need to offload some of that work somewhere
It has Microsoft BLObs baked in as part of the build process. VS Codium is the FLOSS distribution of VS code’s open source code. Liveshare doesn’t appear in the package repo Codium uses (because of the Microsoft BLObs it contains as an extension). For work I manually download the live share extension VSX and load it into vscodium
If exchange servers and weren’t total dickheads about their very special and proprietary Auth methods I’d literally never use outlook as a client
I gotta tell you… If you’re almost as old or young as Thunderbird that makes you a graybeard. Do me a favor. Next time you get out of a chair, try not to make a noise. We all find out we’ve turned old somehow.
Just so its clear this comment is coming from a loving place I love Thunderbird and you seem nice and I enjoyed your comment. Just razzing you a little bit as someone else who’s also around the same age as Thunderbird
Programming is a form of communication. When you develop a piece of software, it will intrinsically be biased to boost the kinds of messages you believe in. This is both because you as a person think about problems a certain way, and because the code you write is meant to convey to others how you were thinking about the problem you were trying to solve. Who heads projects and how they communicate with their community matters to what the product produced will become, not just because of how the leads will think about the problem, but also because people who don’t get along with them won’t wind up contributing. Beehaw requested moderation tools that the lead lemmy Devs didn’t view as valuable. The result is beehaw, reasonably, gave up on getting PRs merged and issues tracked in the issue tracker, instead choosing to look at Sublinks which was explicitly started in response to Lemmy’s devs not behaving well with their own development community.
And for anyone saying Sublinks is splintering the Lemmy Dev community, no, lemmy’s devs did that themselves
They’re insecure and hate the real version of themselves is my interpretation. Instead of confronting that and moving forward with work to become a better person they instead put up a facade, often justifying the harm they do to the people who believe in the facade by convincing themselves that these facades are common to all people, and everyone is fake
Microsoft is still who vetted and hired the contractor and who selected the location.
And yeah. Past CEOs of Microsoft have continued to be shitty. They’re who’s responsible for what’s going on. I just wanted to talk about the ways white knight philanthropy doesn’t help, it just perpetuates colonialism, and Bill Gates+Microsoft have always been in lock step in this regard.
The point is the true villain here is colonialism