that is not a thin-client in the traditional sense, just a small form factor (1liter) pc. Thin clients were minimal spec machines that were made to connect to a much more powerful server somewhere on the network that did all the work. The thin client handled the display and I/O.
Mini PCs are generally a far better deal than a Pi and much more powerful for any kind general computing use.
or Sussie
Only thing I can find is this OS News article saying it should be in the 6.10 kernel
I can not find any confirmation that it is.
Professional encoders who fully understand the encoders and the schemes in use and care about not seeing artifacting or low quality would never intentionally go as low as 300mb for a feature length movie of even an hour. Yes there are people who do such things but they’re not well regarded and it won’t look even passable on anything larger than a phone screen.
This has not been well regarded since the days when DivX ruled the pirate scene, and even then cramming a film onto a 600MB CD left a lot to be desired.
Buckaroo Banzai was working on similar tech all the way back in 1984!
RAWHIDE:Dr. Banzai is using a laser to vaporize a pineal tumor without damaging the parthogenital plate. A subcutaneous microphone will allow the patient to transmit verbal instructions to his own brain.
STAR SURGEON: What, like “raise my left arm”?
RAWHIDE: Or “throw the harpoon,” . People are gonna come from all over. This boy’s an Eskimo.
is this like psDooM where I can hunt down and shoot processes on my system?
I have been in IT since the mid 90s and in my experience every OS can be a PITA to install. Both Windows and Linux will install smoothly if the drivers for your network, raid controller and mobo components are all supported. If not it is going to suck regardless of OS.
Windows reputation for noob friendliness, and linux’s unfriendliness, is mostly down to familiarity and that most users will never have to install their own OS and deal with problems mentioned in the post. Most will never even think about it because they dont even know what an OS is or that it can be replaced. If Windows gets fucked up they take it to a pro to fix or buy a replacement.
The “issues” that the OP even refers to are usually not so much real issues, but rather a person simply trying to learn.
Very much agree. In a lot of cases the problems people encounter are just a different and therefor unfamiliar way of doing things. This can sometimes be remedied by finding a GUI that is more similar to what they are familiar with, but this is also likely a different and unfamiliar task :)
I started playing Minecraft with Alpha 1.1 so I might actually have some archived antique versions somewhere. It has been years since you could just DL the game and play it though, so even the latest of those would be terribly out of date and missing many features. Better off at this point moving to Minetest-Mineclone 2 and avoid all the hassle.
I knew quite a few linux fans who went with Apple laptops when OSX came out. At the time it was the best thing available that had unix under the hood which made it really powerful in the right hands.