>Switzerland has recently enacted a law requiring its government to use open-source software (OSS) and disclose the source code of any software developed by or for the public sector. According to ZDNet, this “public body, public code” approach makes government operations more transparent while increasing security and efficiency. Such a move would likely fail in the U.S. but is becoming increasingly common throughout Europe. >According to Switzerland’s new “Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Means for the Fulfillment of Government Tasks” (EMBAG), government agencies must use open-source software throughout the public sector. >The new law allows the codifies allowing Switzerland to release its software under OSS licenses. Not just that; it requires the source code be released that way “unless the rights of third parties or security-related reasons would exclude or restrict this.” >In addition to mandating the OSS code, EMBAG also requires Swiss government agencies to release non-personal and non-security-sensitive government data to the public. Calling this Open Government Data, this aspect of the new law contributes to a dual “open by default” approach that should allow for easier reuse of software and data while also making governance more transparent.

GPL violation follow-up - some bad news and some good news
You might recall [a few weeks ago]( that I requested from a well-known large and somewhat litigious company the source code of the modification they made to a certain GPL debugger, and that they grudgingly agreed after a long time. So I set out to work on the pile of code they sent me and managed to extract their modifications and port them fo the latest version of that GPL tool... apart from one driver for their debug probes that we use throughout our company: the cunning bastards left a stub in the open-source debugger (I have the code for that) and that stubs talks to the rest of the driver in the form of a closed-source TCP server. It's a blatant trick to go around the GPL by taking advantage of the grey area surrounding linking in the GPL - i.e. the question of whether a closed-source program can be linked to GPL code and not become GPL itself, which still hasn't been tested in court to my knowledge. If I recall correctly, the FSF is of the opinion that anything that dynamically links to GPL code becomes GPL too, but that's just an opinion. And of course, here in this case, the aforementioned company added one degree of separation between their closed-source driver and the GPL tool that uses it by making it a server, so whatever argument against linking to GPL code becomes even weaker. Anyway, as you can imagine, I'm disappointed: my work is 90% there, but I still don't have that one driver and their closed-source faux-server is half-broken and dog-slow because of the time it takes to spawn the server and communicate with it through TCP, and I can't fix it. And I'm 100% certain that if I asked them to send me the source code for that, they'd tell me to suck eggs. But here's what happened: I got so tired of their shenanigans that I started investigating other debug probes I could use instead of their proprietary junk. And after quite a lot of investigation, I found one solution based on open hardware and open software that, with some careful configuration, works 2x to 3x faster than their proprietary debug probe. Wow! I didn't even know it was possible, and I probably wouldn't have researched it if I had had all I needed to make what we already own works. Long story short: I proposed that my company replace all our existing proprietary debug probes with the open hardware one and my boss agreed. That's like 20 probes in total, between R&D, testing and production, and at the tune $266.99 per probe for the original proprietary one, that's $5339.80 the egregious GPL-violating company won't get from us. Not to mention renewal of the license for their IDE that we've been using for almost 2 decades, because finally, at long last, after over a month of solid work, I finally managed to free up our source code from their vendor lock-in and make it compile, debug and flash using open-source tools from start to finish! So yeah, I didn't get what I originally wanted from that company. That's the bad news. But in the end I ended up better off without it, and that's the good news 🙂

New OSS Android Card Wallet app
Noticed this on Fdroid recently, it has a really nice UI and auto generates real barcodes from images. Their document scanner app is pretty nice too. It seems like early development so I'm excited to see it improve from here!

antennapod fork?
FocusPodcast looks and feels very much like an AntennaPod fork but there's no mention of it anywhere (?) or is it written from scratch?

What do you think of this project and cloud gaming in general? I thought it's dead already

What’s the best open source GUI to compress videos on linux?
I'd like to compress my videos without using the terminal, what is the best GUI today that can do this? Is this kind of program popular on linux? I know that ffmpeg is very popular on the terminal

Interesting history and analysis of SMTP's history. How can we prevent fedi and other open protocols from suffering the same fates?

Libreoffice released an Android version!
Edit: the app seems to be pretty old, I like the Writer editing more (it works) but for other things, CollaboraOffice is way better. Has anyone tried that on a tablet? The phone UI has like no features --- Currently it is a "viewer" (renderer with usable UI) and editing features are experimental. They only release their APK to Google Play for whatever reason, but you can use [F-Droid to get it]( Bugs can normally be reported to [their bugtracker]( and you can join [their forum]( for more community support! [Youtube Demo Video]( Downside: the editing features are VERY rudimentary, while the app is only about 50MB (⅕) smaller than Collabora-Office, which has better features overall.

cross-posted from: > Looking for Open source Job boards for developers. > > Extra points: Crypto payments, Decentralized sht (from i2p to torrent to DAOS), No KYC, Rust > > Also be nice to see non-open source job boards (apart from obviously Fiverr and Upwork) > > [Picture] is from for some reason if yoyu are not logged in with an account with a lot of contributions you can't see non "Good first issue"

NewPipe v0.27.0 No longer Working? [Update]
Has NewPipe v0.27.0 stopped working for anyone else? It won't play anymore. It loads the video page and comments, but throws an error when attempting to play or download the video. I've submitted an error report, but was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. Edit: thank you, everyone! I figured it was google being a giant turd again, but want sure, since it worked perfectly fine for me yesterday, and I didn't see anything pop up on Lemmy yet. I understand the logistical and costing nightmare of this, but we really need a FOSS decentralized video sharing platform to take hold and take off. Let google and other bigturdtech die where they made their beds. Update: newpipe 0.27.1 was just released, which fixes this deliberately google-caused issue. As I understand, some other frontends implemented their own fixes, too. These teams are amazing!

"Create P2P tunnels instantly that bypass any network, firewall, NAT restrictions and expose your local network to the internet securely, no Dynamic DNS required."

cross-posted from: > FOSS AI painting with Krita > > It's so awesome that I can let my kid paint with Krita and let her enhance the picture with AI live. She wanted to have an AI picture editor on her phone but I didn't like the privacy policy. But [Krita AI Diffusion]( came to the rescue. > > After testing it out myself I showed her Krita, the most important tools and how to use layers and before I could say anything she was off to paint a nice landscape. When she was finished I actually got to enable the AI plugin and show her the ropes around that. And after enabling live painting she went ham and added a phoenix and a giant hand. > > Hardest thing about it was that she had to describe what she wanted in English. But she's already learning that in school so it shouldn't give her too much trouble in the long run. > > Anyways, FOSS rules!

What to do when a giant company refuses to honor a GPL claim?
So this very large company who shall remain nameless distributes a proprietary software development environment that includes a patched version of a certain, well-known open-source debugging tool. The patch is to make said open-source tool support their products. It's not even hidden or anything: the binary is sitting right there in the installation directory, it's called the exact same thing the vanilla debugger is called and when I run it on the command line, it clearly says "patched for xyz". The tool in question is distributed under the GPLv2 and I need to modify it for my own project. So I sent an email to the company to request the source code for their modification, but they refuse by playing dumb and pretending they don't understand the question. They keep telling me the source code to their IDE is not public. I keep telling them I don't want their IDE but the source for the modified GPL backend tool they bundle with it. But no: they claim it's part of their product and they won't release it. Anybody knows the best course of action to deal with this? It's the first company I've dealt with that explicitly refuses to honor the GPL. I don't even think it's malice: I'm fairly sure the L2 support guy handling my ticket was told to deny my request by his clueless supervisor who didn't bother escalating it. But it's also a huge company that's known to be aggressive and litigious, whereas I'm just one guy and I'm not lawyering up over this. I have other hills to die on. Who should I pass the potato to? The FSF?

Been trying it for a little while. It's exactly what I have been looking for. * Works great * is encrypted * can be self hosted * edge ML for photo search (not perfect yet) * S3 backend #ente

what’s a good open source license for a book?
If I decide to self-publish a book what happens to the copyright? Is there a way to prevent others from claiming copyrights for a book published autonomously? Are there OS licenses specifically tuned for books?


A really nice project which provide charts to display Linux server status and tools to manage server. I was using DaRemote only available on Google Play Store, to do that. Recently there was an option to download it and pay it directly to the dev. ServerBox is really awesome, in 3 minutes it convince me, open-source, secure access with biometric, select a font, etc...

> On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons par Ploum - Lionel Dricot.

Derek Sherrell shows a low cost, open source house that he built in 90 days. He is [giving away the plans]( for free for anyone who wants to build their own. Open source is a wonderful concept that should be applied to everything, not just software.

[REQUEST] Human Language Learning apps
Ideally offline and either Android or Linux. Just looking to see what's out there and I didn't see much yet besides some dictionary or DIY flashcard apps Thanks!

Are there any maps apps that rip data from Google Maps?
I want to ungoogle myself as much as possible, but I've found that Google Maps is by far the best dataset for maps. I can search 'fast food' and it'll pull up anything related to that near me. I've tried things like OrganicMaps, and while it is blazing fast and very private in comparison to Google Maps, it unfortunately does not have the best information. Are there any apps that are kind of like a proxy/nitter like frontend for Google Maps and it respects privacy? Are there any ways to just straight up rip data from Google Maps and pull it into another app?

Here is a review of a device that should be open source, it's not yet but probably will be in the future.

SDR+PI with flipper zero functionality
I have an RTL-SDR v4, and a Raspberry Pi. I am wondering if there is some way to get the ease of use that comes with the flipper zero with the pi. This is ignoring the packaging, and how small the flipper is. And also ignoring the replaying of signals, as additional hardware would be needed.

Chromium based browser for armeabi-v7a
Chromium... I'm so getting downvoted with this one. Anyways, I have an old Android 6 phone that is still not completely unusable and my older family members want to use it as a backup phone (in fact, they already do). They can't live without Facebook (obviously) so I installed Firefox on it and made a PWA for Facebook. It works surprisingly well but Firefox itself is quite sluggish and slow to open on that piece of hardware. So I'm thinking of installng a Chromium browser on it, as well as on my other old devices to make them run a bit better and just out of my extremely unhealthy curiosity. But the problem is they all do not support modern arm64 apps that most Android phones use nowadays. Instead they need this other type called armeabi-v7a. There were Chromium based browsers that had a v7a version (Bromite for example) but they all suspiciously died at the same time more than a year ago. Does Chromium really not support the old architecture (or whatever it is) anymore or I'm just not searching well enough? P. S. Advices to buy a newer device will not be accepted and will be treated with appropriate level of hostility.

Games on Whales - Stream multiple desktops and games from a single host
After 3 years in the making I'm excited to announce the launch of [Games on Whales](, an innovative open-source project that revolutionizes virtual desktops and gaming. Our mission is to enable multiple users to stream different content from a single machine, with full HW acceleration and low latency. With Games on Whales, you can: - **Multi-user**: Share a single remote host hardware with friends or colleagues, each streaming their own content (gaming, productivity, or anything else!) - **Headless**: Create virtual desktops on demand, with automatic resolution and FPS matching, without the need for a monitor or dummy plug - **Advanced Input Support**: Enjoy seamless control with mouse, keyboard, and joypads, including Gyro and Acceleration support (a first in Linux!) - **Low latency**: Uses the Moonlight protocol to stream content to a wide variety of supported clients. - **Linux and Docker First**: Our curated Docker images include popular applications like Steam, Firefox, Lutris, Retroarch, and more! - **Fully Open Source**: MIT licensed, and we welcome contributions from the community. Interested in how this works under the hood? You can read more about it in our [developer guide]( or deep dive into the [code](

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