• 1 Post
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2020


That’s why I provided 18 citations for that claim in the first paragraph

If you read through some of my other stuff, I mostly document controversy in the open source community. OSS developers being taken advantage of and loosing is just the norm, the only thing unique here is that the donation platform itself was doing that instead of the users

Right? like the probably 50-100k they stole in total is whatever, but the fact they stole it from underpaid OSS developers and generous community members is disgusting.

I might apply for funding to research the real number that was stolen…

Sure! I’ve been meaning to depoy hedgedoc for a while now and this seems like a good use. Here you go: https://doc.boehs.org/s/socials

fixed; ignore

Edit: Why does nothing ever work. Immediately hit some obscure error because of a cloudflare minifier edgecase: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/cache-minify-breaking-script/386650/11, well if you do a view source you’ll see it

Edit 2: You can also verify by asking at any of the methods in https://boehs.org/contact

Sorry I missed this! Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and considering a donation! (no pressure on that last one though lol)

Most professional developers aren’t either. Many companies employ people and/or deploy software to detect license violations

Consider contributing to lemmy!
Hi everyone, welcome, ect... It might go without saying but lemmy is open source! The platform is written in rust and typescript (which is a big pro for me). I'm sure we all have our little gripes with the platform, and those are fixed with collective teamwork :) [These](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues?q=is:issue+is:open+label:%22good+first+issue%22) are "good first issues", [here](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/contributors/01-overview.html) is a contributing guide), and [here](https://matrix.to/#/#lemmydev:matrix.org) is a chat where developers coordinate. Let's make the best link aggregator!