• 3 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2020


If I were to do that, KDE would personally manifest physically and apologise for its existence. I do not do that yet.

No, I shit on their delusion when they claim KDE is the best and most stable DE. It is like saying the second to finish the race has finished first, which is illogical.

Valve went with KDE not because it is stable, but because user interface can be customised with it catering to gamers. GNOME is more rigid and stable. The exact same reason goes for Arch, quickest firmware and kernel updates to leverage maximum performance per watt and to buy maximum time for optimisation. Arch is not known for stability in the way Debian/Ubuntu LTS are known.

Can I update Fedora without it breaking? Also… KDE? GNOME is a stable, polished and professional DE, none of which KDE is.

Are you going to be a legal commercial distributor of these videos? No? Use x265.

Useful x265 settings:

  • CRF 21 Slow or 23 Very Fast, depending on the quality you need. (Do not choose presets other than slow, medium or very fast, all others are waste.)
  • Encoder level 4.0 or above, usually auto might take care but sometimes banding issues may remain if not set manually
  • Command line options - aq-mode=3:aq_strength=1.1
  • If video is 10-bit or 12-bit, do not go with x265 8bit video encoder. Use MediaInfo to check this for your videos. This also solves banding and chromatic aberration issues.

AV1 is about 10x slower to encode, and you will save roughly 2-3% more space than x265 which is a stupid tradeoff for time wastage.

Audio: never compress the audio stream of a video. Passthrough should be used.

Also, I find Windows much more reliable than Linux when using Handbrake for long batch video conversion queues. The cutree keeps fattening but conversion will not abruptly stop or crash in second passes.

  • Scrambled EXIF - the simplest upgrade to removing meta data from your photos, when you want to send them to people
  • FFShare - the simplest upgrade to removing metadata from your photos/videos AND compressing them when you send or share them with someone. This saves on upload time (upload speeds are often horrible) and bandwidth for both sender and receiver.
  • Saber - handwriting notes app for Android
  • DiskUsage - disk space analyser and visualiser, with nothing better IMHO
  • RootlessJamesDSP - want systemwide Viper4Android but without rooting? This thing needs you to have a degree in audio engineering (lol jk). AutoEQ presets, DSP, convolver, virtual room effects, a crazy equaliser, +15 dB volume gain, its got a bunch of stuff you can customise separately for your phone speakers, different headphones and other connected audio gear.

(yes I might eventually have a long list to update the smartphone guide with solid recommendations)

XDM has a good video grabber, unlike FDM. Its detection is very similar to IDM, so you are missing out just because of the smartphone UI.

You… care about the UI of XDM? IDM looks like Windows 98 era. If shit works, why care? I would argue XDM download window looks better than that of IDM. And I have used these tools for over a decade, since FlashGet and Download Accelerator Plus were a thing.

madaidan and a lot of security clowns in FOSS/privacy community unironically claim that is how security works. However, it is true Rust is far better than C/C++ for security, if thousands of people are coding. Not everyone is going to be the best security programmer in the world.

I did not start with KDE or Cinnamon. Start menu paradigm is unneeded when people will discover GNOME is giving the peak experience upon hitting Super/Windows key, when they can just search anything on the system or multitask that way.

I do not miss the Start menu much, even though I use both Debian and Windows 10. Most of the time, I am using Everything/FSearch to find files.

Also, the priority is stability and not needing to continously look up Terminal commands or ask the toxic community for help or minimise internet searches for help. GNOME is the absolute uncontested king DE to get the job done with least amount of it getting in the way.

Pick this guide from a 20 year Windows user. Ubuntu GNOME. Interact as less as you need with Linux “community”, it gives tension, headache and stress. You will not regret it.


Unfortunately Corel, Affinity etc will be a problem, keep Windows aside for that on a secondary SSD. Use Windows with Ameliorated Project, it will make Windows saner to use.

XDM? There is also FileCxx.

There is nothing that will work as simple as IDM, especially with that little floating button on top of videos it detects, with all available frame resolutions. But these two come the closest.

For video sites, I use yt-dlp. For galleries, gallery-dl.

For anime sites, I just log into Windows and use IDM.

That’s not a problem, the problem is counter culture normies are almost as bad as normies. This is not what I wanted Lemmy to be, when I helped build it.

Uh huh. No fanboying on your part at all. Projection?

No, just facts over feelings. GNOME is widely regarded as far more professional than KDE, and the polished end result shows everytime. GNOME2 was peak Linux back in the day, and now GNOME 40+ is peak Linux if you actually want to get work done and have a simple interface with the best workflow.

Because I feel like with childish statements like the one above, you’re not exactly being 100% truthful. But I can back up my argument with evidence.

This comment section, as well as on Reddit and other “community” places like 4chan are filled with toxic KDE fanboys shitting on GNOME, while GNOME users never say anything. KDE deserves to be shat on for being an unprofessional hacky mess, because GNOME has proven its might time and time again in that regard.

Also I tested multiple DEs last year, so I know I am not lying. Maybe you missed that guide there. KDE runs like crap on most machines. GNOME is just too well optimised with all the eyecandy.

I do not need you to benchmark those for me, because I did it for myself thoroughly, and have enough experience to teach both Linux and Windows users how to do computing. Maybe do not try to teach a teacher?

My ThinkPad is working extremely well for almost 7 years now, and currently mass downloading files using JDownloader Flatpak on Debian 12 GNOME.

It works with every DE, but KDE eats my CPU alive at 70%, and without compositor and eyecandy, 15% idle. XFCE and LXQt had 0.5% CPU idle, and GNOME stays around 0.5-1% idle. Heck, even my 13 year old dinosaur desktop with 2nd gen i3 works perfectly with Debian 12 GNOME, exact same setup.

Maybe, maybe KDE is at fault?

Look, I wrote a Linux/Windows computing guide. I consider myself stupid, but I am not THAT stupid. https://lemmy.ml/post/511377

I called you a fanboy because you cannot fathom how poor KDE performance can be. 7200U is a modern laptop CPU, and one of the most famous CPUs ever to be used by masses, so the optimisation argument for it and its iGPU Intel HD 620 goes out of the window.

I’m very sorry it felt sluggish for you but that’s likely down to your specific hardware configuration, drivers, GPU vendor + display server combo, etc.

I did not know that the most popular laptop CPU for many years, i5-7200U, with no GPU, is a rare combination of hardware, specific drivers, GPU (lol) vendor, display server (ThinkPad standard 766p LCD) is such a problematic configuration for KDE. You are just a KDE fanboy.

Also I installed Debian 12 Bookworm last July. It installs KDE Plasma 5.27 from the installer. KDE 6 never released until last winters, thereby making KDE itself ancient. Also, it was KDE 5.27, not 5.6. So my mistake there. KDE was far newer than I thought, still it could not support a mere common CPU laptop. I have no clue about their release nomenclature, because GNOME is easy, 40, 41, 42…


KDE 6 release is very recent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1_NpFtNtPk

Yes. But there is a funny circlejerk here.

KDE Plasma 5.6 is not ancient by any standards. Plasma 6 is the current iteration, and 5.6 existed when Debian 12 launched last July. If it did not work on 7200U, it will not work well. Other DEs worked perfectly, so KDE is at fault.

Edit: well it seems I was misremembering. Debian 12 provides KDE 5.27 version. I used that. I do not know their version number system.

No, KDE Plasma 5.6 or 5.3 (5.27, my bad, edit) I think (whatever was before 6 launched) , tested last year on a fresh Debian 12 Stable install. It had GARBAGE performance. Turning off compositor and all animations made a massive difference, but it made KDE look and feel almost worse than LXQt.

XFCE looked a lot better while having screaming fast performance, compared to a neutered KDE.

Mind you, this is not a toaster machine. This is i5-7200U ThinkPad with 12 GB RAM. GNOME, XFCE and LXQt run extremely fast on it. And fresh installation with nothing else added.

KDE is not simple. Powerful? Absolutely. It has extreme customisation but for people who want to use computer as a tool to get the job done, it acts as a minus point. GNOME has less customisability and is restricted, but gains advantage with stability and feature minimalism. GNOME is a bit like stock Android with extensions acting like OEM features, whereas KDE is like a full blown custom ROM where you need to setup everything, and is just a hassle.

But that is like saying Firefox is garbage, even though it’s addon ecosystem is its big USP. Same way, GNOME has extension ecosystem as its USP.

GNOME does not break in general, and the few extensions I use work on GNOME 45 too, I think. They are mainstream and popular. The fact that Debian stable branch keeps GNOME as its default shows how stable it is.

GNOME works ideally for people who do not care about ricing, and is extremely stable and bloat free. To the user who wants to use computer as a tool to get the job done, extreme customisation acts like a bloat and/or hindrance. I do not want “edit this button/menu” on every single part of UI, the way it exists on KDE or LXQt or XFCE. All I need is a new document option in file manager, which takes 1 minute to add on GNOME via templates folder.

I never said GNOME must be the only option. That is dictatorship and that exists on Windows and MacOS. In Linux land, you are free to sudo rm rf /* your system in an instant, or rice it the way you want. But this post is about a Linux tuber openly saying he has grown up and matured and realised all that ricing does not matter anymore. That teenager hobby is past now. And it shows how polished GNOME is compared to others, and singlehandedly shows how stable, smooth and professional Linux can be for daily use. Other DEs have no interest in being professional, so they will get the slack for that, regardless of if Lemmy likes it or not.

GNOME is bringing a new paradigm of multitasking with the fusion of tiling and stacking windows like a mosaic. That is better than almost anything KDE has made in years. The only notable thing I like from KDE is KDE Connect.

Fortunately, it is not. I do not want a bunch of Kiddy Kultist Klowns over Grownup Gigachad Goats deciding how Linux should be adopted by masses.

Are you using the latest GNOME? I use Debian 12 Stable, GNOME 43. No issues.

The YouTuber really grew up. KDE is for Kids. GNOME is for Grownups. Once you realise GNOME is the only professional DE out there, you stop looking back, you stop hopping around like a frog.

To the idiots claiming GNOME breaks or extensions break, I have a few extensions that do not break GNOME, and those extensions are always up to date.

Colorblind Filters, Color Picker, Dash to Panel, GTK Title Bar, Lock Keys, Resource Monitor, Tactile, True Color Window Invert

I will add that KDE is one of the worst DEs as far as performance goes, only second to the likes of Deepin. I have used GNOME, KDE, LXQt, XFCE, LXDE, TDE and few others. GNOME is only second best to LXQt and XFCE, while looking great and not needing to turn off animations or compositor.

Edit: these downvotes tell me Lemmy is simply filled with irrational counter culture normies who live in the delusion that they are the rationalists.

If you are using the drive between Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android, exFAT is going to be the supreme choice. It is what I use for flash sticks and external HDDs.

EXT4 for Linux. exFAT for removable drives. Never regretted.

I am not interested in fancy technologies. EXT2/3/4 has been here for a few decades.

False, wrong, invalid opinion. I have been a user of Windows since 95/98, and a user of GNOME for almost 7 years. The current GNOME 40+ workflow and UX is beyond superior to whatever Windows is. Windows only makes sense till it does not, and the moment you try to do things other than the convoluted hack way we have been taught for over 20 years, it falls apart.

You think so? That shit has 2 right click menus and settings hard to navigate, not to mention the unbearable ad ridden Start menu, shitty Control Panel and AI garbage you cannot escape. You need something like AME project to make it barely usable. Oh and forced updates taking hours of time. All this is not a problem on Linux.

No, GNOME is far superior to MacOS, so superior that Windows 11 copied it, and KDE copies Windows. That makes GNOME the godfather compared to hacky KDE.

Arch rolling gives up to date packages quickly. The most important part for Linux gaming is quickest pushing of GPU and performance related kernel code, so that the most optimal balance between battery life and performance is continuously achieved, because Linux gaming is still in its infancy. Every new update or package possibly giving this benefit matters to Valve, and they need maximum amount of time to optimise and push updates.

There is no GNOME hate angle, unlike what a lot of idiots here want to claim and spread the toxicity for it. KDE people, Snap haters, systemd haters are extremely vile people. Valve does not care about working with UI, since they can design a launcher for any Linux distro themselves, hiding the ugly terminal and filesystem well enough for casual gamers.

Average GNOME hater is so blind they cannot distinguish between MacOS and iOS. No surprise, considering they never grew out of Windows UI paradigms.

Yes, just that Valve would have ignored Linux existed. Nothing much. Companies would not make software for Linux. Not much really. Coherent ecosystem and work flow does not matter, but ricing every single button matters to the no life NEET kids.

I was using Snaps until last year just to know how they are doing. Snaps did not feel much slower. However, I felt like I became mature enough to use Debian, so jumped ship.

No, it is not slow in performance. First time startup is just as slow on Flatpak.

Snaps can sandbox system applications, with no competitor capable in sight. So what is this shit Canonical is pulling?

The authors of node-ipc have pushed malware in an update, which wipes your disk if you happen to have Russian or Belorussian IP address. This affects some large projects [@bantg, Twitter]
Relevant reading: https://github.com/zlw9991/node-ipc-dependencies-list https://web.archive.org/web/20220318095406/https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/peacenotwar/issues/45 https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-NODEIPC-2426370