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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


It helps that Apple makes the best touchpads out there, and they are integrated into the OS really well. The haptics are almost magic.

My other laptop is a crappy 13 inch Dell with a spongy touchpad with uneven feedback and it makes me want to throw it into the wall.

Honestly, I usually just “man command” in google.

I know it’s wrong but my browser is tiled next to my terminal and it’s easy to look up stuff.

I run seafile, but holy shit do I regret looking at the source code.

That’s true. The bizarre paradox of the centralization of edge infrastructure is real.

That said, the other edge-lords (haha) could offer similar functionality, but they chose not to.

The trouble with cloudflare is that there is just one. It’s one of the best registrars out there, the only free/cheap and usable DNS host (have you seen what route53 charges per zone??). That without getting into the whole tunnels and DDoS mitigation end of things, which is nearly unique at any price point.

The problem with cloudflare is that we’re missing three other cloudflares to move to if they decide to pull evil shit.

You are just stoking the flames of a meaningless holy war.

And then you’d have to talk to them about it. Can you imagine the horror!

That seems to be indicative of dhcp issues, not WiFi issues.

Am I out of touch?

No, it’s the Free Software Foundation that is wrong about Free software licensing practices!

In general terms, if you are not sure if you need a VLAN, you do not need a VLAN.

It dramatically complicates your home networks (yes, plural at that point), which is fine if IT serves a purpose.

But if there isn’t a compelling reason for them you are just imposing a management cost for no benefit.

“Long term support” is 15 months?

Is this a fucking joke?

They can decide and announce all they want. In the end they have to become a more compelling product than gitea on the merits, not just because of nebulous anti-commercial ideology.

That would mean they would have to do actual development instead of just scraping off stickers, so I’m not holding my breath.

Doesn’t stop people from using Android.

The problem is that the Linux brand is tarnished by the Linux product. If you are making something for consumers, don’t use the word Linux.

Lots of really large sites are horribly misconfigured. I had intermittent issues because one of the edge hosts in Netflix ‘s round robin dns did not do MTU discovery properly.

That assumes he wasn’t working with GRU to begin with.

Which, considering everything that has happened since then, seems a naive position.

You are absolutely free to fuck yourself over by using a niche option plagued by weird problems.

Or you could, like, not do that.

You are right, I wanted to address two different issues and they sort of merged together in my head.

Carry on ;)

Caveat emptor, split DNS can cause issues down the line that are a proper nightmare to debug.

Don’t do it unless you a) understand what is happening on your network when you config it this way b) have the tools and ability to verify it is working like you think it should and troubleshoot when things eventually break and c) can exercise enough control over your network to make sure all DNS resolution in your LAN happens the way you think it should.

You’ll be putting yourself in a situation where a typo, or a wrong docker compose copy/paste, or a default config you forgot to override, will expose stuff to the Internet.

Yes you can. Just set your routers accordingly.

Also: it’s probably not what you want. Trivial misconfigs would have disastrous effects.

Nobody out there seems to know how to do IPv6 properly. Lots of issues just went away when I disabled it on my “end user” subnets.

Harsh but true.

Check your region settings. Maybe you are not listening on the right channels for your country.

That’s energy, not power. If that’s the energy consumption per hour, then that’s 120W, which is high but not outrageous with a full size computer with 6 disks.

App Store moderation (because this is what we’re talking about) is a hard and labor intensive problem. I’m not sure it can be done well enough at scale for free without introducing easily gained mechanics.

That said, this seems just a list of ways to blame someone else for messing up and getting scammed.

I was about to say, that’s an oddly specific request…

I don’t believe in backing up anything that is not user files. Pets vs cattle and all that.

Set your /home to a different partition, I know I already mentioned this but it will save your ass the first t*me you break your system and have to reinstall.

Also back up your fstab so you know what partition/disk UUID is what.

First subdomain. I think HA is completely right that proxy with a subpath is basically an anti-pattern that just makes things worse for you and is always a bad idea (with very few exceptions).

It’s only an “anti pattern” because app developers are, on the whole, lazy bastards that start out hard coding stuff and then get discouraged at the amount of work needed to fix things after the fact.

I should know: I am one of these people.

It’s crap, it’s best to roll with the punches and use a sub domain.

Add ons are just shitty packaging of other software. Just run the other software directly.

I took a look at HAOS and declared it to be junk. I admire your optimism, but you should too.

It’s aimed at a no man’s land of people that run HA but don’t know how to manage their own docker. It’s just weird.

And a bad one too. Modern LLMs can write flawless English at 7B.

The glacial pace of release will annoy the F out of all the shiny stuff chasers in this community.