OS recommendations
Its new homelab time. And with that, potentially a new OS time too. I currently am very happy with Debian and Docker. The only issue is I am brand new to using data redundancy. I have a 2 bay NAS I'll use, and I want the two HDDs to be in raid 1. Now I could definitely just use ZFS or BTRFS with Debian, and be able to use Docker just like I do currently. Or I could use a dedicated NAS OS. That would help me with the raid part of this, but a requirement is Docker. Any recommendations?

Why do so many people use NGINX?
I see *so* many posts and people who run NGINX as their reverse proxy. Why though? There's HAProxy and Apache, with Caddy being a simpler option. If you're starting from scratch, why did you pick/are you picking NGINX over the others?

Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative)
Hello everyone, Since my daughter was born I am searching for a solution to share pictures of our child with my wife and create a copy of each smartphones photos and other files (documents). At first I tried nextcloud, but there is a lot of overhead and the administration feels kind of complex for what I need. Anyone else having some input on which software to use? So my main goal is: Software running on raspberry pi (preferable docker). Has abilities like shared folder where pictures and documents get uploaded from multiple users and can be viewed (collaboration editing is not needed). Automatically copy files from smartphone (android) to raspberry from selected folder for a simple redundancy.

Never buy .xyz
I just wanted to post this here because I want to help you all and hurt as much as possible. I had a .xyz domain through which I used to host jellyfin, homeassistant, and other basic things for friends and family. My domain recently became inaccessible without any notice. After a while of troubleshooting, I found that it had been reported to xyz as abuse, and they must have done zero investigation whatsoever before serverholding my domain. I thought about opening a ticket with xyz to get my domain back, but realized that I no longer wish to buy from some shitty company that will take down any site without warning. Bought a .com domain since they are somewhat reputable, and I would advise everyone here to never buy a .xyz domain. Angry rant over.

  • Otter
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Which link/bookmark manger do you prefer, and why?
There are so many out there, a few that I came across include: - Wallabag ( [GitHub](, [Website]( Older, long history, somewhat clunky now? - LinkWarden ([Website]( Focus on multi user and teams? - ([Website]( - Omnivore ([Website]( - Hoarder ([GitHub]( - Shiori ([Article]( - Readeck ([Website]( Having a giant comparison table for this might be nice

selfhosted notes with android app but with mtls suoport
Looking for a notes app. Must have an android client,support mtls,support attachments and card layout. Only ones that can do that but with limitation are JTX board and nextcloud notes. NC notes does not support attachments. JTX board is a journal,task first app and counts on icx protocol which have size limitations Anyways anyone aware of any app that can do that? ps: pls don't suggest to save to local storage and sync that. pls don't suggest this app that cant do that but its great.

  • tubbadu
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[FIXED] Is it possible to tell Jellyfin to search also the original title?
Hello! I have a problem: sometimes I instinctively refer to a movie by the English name (for example, Star Wars), but if I search for it in jellyfin it is not found, as the italian translated name is "Guerre Stellari". I'd like to be able to search for it with both the original name and the translated name. The original name is present in the metadata, it just isn't used as a search parameter. Is there a way? ------- EDIT: I understood the problem: i'm stupid Star wars episode IV had both the translated and the original title, and was correctly find when searching "star wars", but episode V and VI didn't have the string "star wars" in the original title! and this is why jellyfin didn't find them. I edited the metadata and added it, now it works perfectly. Thanks to everyone!

Is it possible to run a LLM on a mini-pc like the GMKtec K8 and K9?
I have experience in running servers, but I would like to know if it's possible to do it, I just need a GPT 3.5 like private LLM running.
fedilink In the latest version of Nephele, you can now create a WebDAV server that deduplicates files that you add to it. I created this feature because every night at midnight, my Minecraft world that my friends and I play on gets backed up. Our world has grown to about 5 GB, but every night, the same files get backed up over and over. It's a waste of space to store the same files again and again, but I want the ability to roll back our world to any day in the past. So with this new feature of Nephele, I can upload the Minecraft backup and only the files that have changed will take up additional space. It's like having infinite incremental backups that never need a full backup after the first time, and can be accessed instantly. Nephele will only delete a file from the file storage once all copies that share the same file contents have been deleted, so unlike with most incremental backup solutions, you can delete previous backups easily and regain space. Edit: So, I think my post is causing some confusion. I should make it clear that my use case is specific for me. This is a general purpose deduplicating file server. It will take any files you give it and deduplicate them in its storage. It's not a backup system, and it's not a versioning system. My use case is only one of many you can use a deduplicating file server for.

Trouble setting up teleport-proxy on k3s
Hello, Im setting up a k3s cluster with cilium as cni and ingress. I wanna setup teleport-proxy on my cluster but when trying to access it i get: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination I have other services running on the same cluster and these do work. My cluster only exists of 1 node. This is my values file for helm: And the certificates from cert-manager and related secrets and stuff are all healthy and ready. Im unable to find any logs in the teleport & cilium pods. Does someone know how i can solve this? Thanks for your time!!!

Fully Virtualized Gaming Server?
For years I’ve had a dream of building a rack mounted PC capable of splitting its resources to host multiple GPU intensive VMs: - a few gaming VMs - a VM for work that can run Davinci Resolve and Blender renders - an LLM server - a Stable Diffusion server - media server Just to name a few possibilities… Everytime I’ve looked into it, it seemed like the technology just wasn’t there yet. I remember a few years ago Linus TT took a shot at it, but in the end suggested the technology (for non-commercial entities) just wasn’t in a comfortable spot yet. So how far off are we? Obviously AI focused companies seem to make it work, but what possibilities exist for us self-hosters who might also want to run multiple displays in addition to the web gui LLM servers? And without forking out crazy money for GPU virtualization software licenses?

  • mFat
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  • 2M
Thumb drive heating up
I'm booting openwrt off a usb c thumb drive connected to a fanless Celeron mini pc. The pc is cool but the thumb drive is so hot i can't touch it. Any ideas?

Restart an OOM killed docker automatically
I got an home server that is running docker for all my self hosted apps. But sometimes I accidentally trigger Earlyoom by remotely starting expensive docker builds, which kill docker. I don't have access to my server outside of my home network, so I can't manually restart docker in those situations. What would be the best way to restart it automatically? I don't mind doing a full system restart if needed

Anyone knows of a good software for managing files for 3D printing?
Anyone knows of a good software for managing files for 3D printing? Criteria: \- open source \- web based \- self-hostable \- modern \- storing 3mf, stl, obj and gcode/bgcode files Nice to have: \- automatic slicing of 3MF files \- being able to send it to my printer (Bambu) \- previews [\#opensource]( [#selfhosted]( [#3DPrinting]( [@selfhosted]( [@3dprinting](

Connectin pfsense directly to 1GBit ZTE ONT
Hi, I have my TIM (Italy) ONT installed (its a ZXHN F6005, which I think is also installed by OpenFibre in the UK). This is connected to a TIM router and them to a minipc machine that has pfsense installed. I believe the ZTE ONT can be directly connected to the WAN port of the pfSense machine by having pppoe set on the WAN interface. That way I can drop this intermediate TIM router which is simply sucking up energy. I tried setting a pppoe connection the pfsense machine by giving it userid and password but the connection never comes up. Strangely, even when leaving the WAN interface set to pppoe on pfsense and reconnecting it to the intermediate TIM router, the connection comes up (i.e. doesn't seem to be a requirement). Any thoughts?

Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?
I understand that people enter the world of self hosting for various reasons. I am trying to dip my toes in this ocean to try and get away from privacy-offending centralised services such as Google, Cloudflare, AWS, etc. As I spend more time here, I realise that it is practically impossible; especially for a newcomer, to setup any any usable self hosted web service without relying on these corporate behemoths. I wanted to have my own little static website and alongside that run Immich, but I find that without Cloudflare, Google, and AWS, I run the risk of getting DDOSed or hacked. Also, since the physical server will be hosted at my home (to avoid AWS), there is a serious risk of infecting all devices at home as well (currently reading about VLANS to avoid this). Am I correct in thinking that avoiding these corporations is impossible (and make peace with this situation), or are there ways to circumvent these giants and still have a good experience self hosting and using web services, even as a newcomer (all without draining my pockets too much)? Edit: I was working on a lot of misconceptions and still have a lot of learn. Thank you all for your answers.

What are your thoughts on exposing a tool like dockge to outside of your man?
Dockge allows you to start/stop containers and edit your compose files from a handy ui. Pros: if something goes wrong while you're away, it would give you a tool to restart a service or make some changes if necessary. Cons: exposing that much control to the outside world (even behind a log in) can potentially be catastrophic for your stack if someone gets in.

If I remember correctly, FitTrackee Dev do post on this community. Well, I want to thank him/her as this is a very nice piece of software that I just started using but looks so promising and well done! A breeze to install, even on bare metal, and so well designed (even a CLI? Come on!). Looking forward to try Garmin integration tomorrow. Thank buddy!/Appreciated.

Design patterns
Just a bit or a wandering mind on my part but one of the issues in the back of my mind is what happens to whatever self hosting I setup if something happens to me. Ideally I'd like to be able to know that in case of emergency Id be able rely on a good friend or two to keep things going. My thought was that would require some common design patterns/ processes and standardisation. I also have these thoughts because eventually Id like to support other family members with self hosted services at their places. Standardising hardware, configurations etc makes that much simpler. How have others approached this?

Hadn't seen this here yet, a co-worker of mine sent it my way so I'm just spreading the word. Looks interesting, to say the least! Anyone tried this out or had any other experience with it yet?

PGP key discovery for Email - WKD
I've run my own email server for a few years now without too many troubles. I also pay for a ProtonMail account that's been very good. But I've always struggled with PGP keys for encrypting messages to non-Proton users - basically everyone. The PGP key distribution setup just seemed half baked and a bit broken relying on central key servers. Then I noticed that email I set from my personal email to my company provided email were being encrypted even though I wasn't doing anything to achieve this. This got me curious as to why that was happening which lead me to WKD (Web Key Directory). It's such a simple idea for providing discoverable downloads for public keys and it works really well having set it up for my own emails now. It's basically a way of discovering the public key of someone's email by making it available over HTTPS at an address that can be calculated based on the email address itself. So if your email is ``, then the public key can be hosted at (in this case) `` this is derived using a command like `gpg-wks-client --print-wkd-url`. You just need an email client that can do this and find the key for you automatically. And when setting up your own server you generate the content using the keys in your gpg key ring using `env GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d) gpg --locate-keys --auto-key-locate clear,wkd,nodefault`. Move this generated folder structure to your webserver and you're basically good to go. I have this working with Thunderbird, which now prompts me to do the discoverability step when I enter an email that doesn't have an associated key. On Android, I've found OpenKeyChain can also do a search based just on the email address that apps like K9-Mail (to be Thunderbird mail) can then use. Anyway, I thought this was pretty cool and was excited to see such an improvement in seamless encryption integration. It'd be nicer if on Thunderbird and K9 it all happened as soon as you enter an email address rather than a few extra steps to jump through to perform the search and confirm the keys. But it's a major improvement. Does your email provider have WKD setup and working or do you use it already?

Selfhosted alternatives to Goodreads?
So I finally broke down and made a very poor purchasing decision and ordered an e-ink writer to be a notepad/e-reader hybrid. Partially so that it is less of a hassle to read books I got from kickstarters and the like while still using the kindle app for the disturbing amounts of money I throw at Amazon. Historically? I loved goodreads because theoretically I would get good recommendations based on what I liked. In practice, that has never happened but it is still nice to see if I read something in the past. And once I have multiple ebook ecosystems, it will be nice to actually check that rather than spend the first 100 pages wondering if this is familiar. So any good recommendations? I suspect what I SHOULD do (and will likely start doing more as a self betterment thing) is just put a note in my personal nextcloud every time I finish a book with a quick summary and some thoughts. But having the big database is also really nice. Thanks

  • d00phy
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  • 15d
2 Swag Instances to 1 Cloudflaire domain
I have the arr stack and immich running on a beelink S12 pro based on [geekau mediastack]( on GitHub. Basically, and I'm sure my understanding is maybe a bit flawed, it uses docker-proxy to detect containers and passes that to swag, which then sets up subdomains via a tunnel to Cloudflaire. I have access to my services outside of my LAN without any port forwarding on my router. If I'm not mistaken, that access is via the encrypted tunnel between swag & Cloudflaire (please, correct me if I'm wrong). That little beelink is running out of resources! It's running 20 containers, and when immich has to make any changes, it quickly runs low on memory. What I would like to do is set up a second box that would also run the same "infrastructure" containers (swag, docker-proxy), and connect to the same Cloudflaire account. I'm guessing I need to set up a second tunnel? I'm not sure how to proceed.

  • Otter
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Fork of HomeBox released (v0.11.0)
Saw [this post on another site]( > If you previously did not our [mini announcement]( HomeBox was archived by the original author. We are working to continue the project ourselves. This release is mostly just switching things over to our namespace and getting a docker image published for people to switch over to, but also contains some minor bug fixes. > > **What is HomeBox** > > Homebox is the inventory and organization system built for the Home User! With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, Homebox is the perfect solution for your home inventory, organization, and management needs. While developing this project, with the the following principles in mind: > > * *Simple* - Homebox is designed to be simple and easy to use. No complicated setup or configuration required. Use either a single docker container, or deploy yourself by compiling the binary for your platform of choice. > * *Blazingly Fast* - Homebox is written in Go, which makes it extremely fast and requires minimal resources to deploy. In general idle memory usage is less than 50MB for the whole container. > * *Portable* - Homebox is designed to be portable and run on anywhere. We use SQLite and an embedded Web UI to make it easy to deploy, use, and backup. > > **v0.11.0 Changes** > > * Fixes improper int parsing (64 bit int being converted into a 32 bit int) > * Fixes CSV being exported as a TSV > * Switches the Go namespace to the []( one > * All new docker publishing Github Actions > * Docs switched to vitepress and published to new domain []( > > **Contributing** > > We are accepting any type of contribution, including bug reports, feature requests, PRs, etc. if your interested. We firmly believe that open source software lives and dies by its community, and we're hoping that you'll join us on this journey as we figure things out and make HomeBox great. > > **For Those Switching** > > If your planning to switch from the original image to this one, please make sure you backup your existing data. And then you can simply switch the docker image to ours, and all of your data should be right where you left it when you start the docker container.

Building a from-scratch IP-KVM/Pikvm board. Tips?
I have a spare SBC ([Pine A64 LTS]( that I currently have no other use for, and recently I got the idea of turning it into an IP-KVM. However, the software support for this board is a little middling, and the board's been somewhat overlooked by the community. That leaves me with no ready-made solutions for turning this board into a little PiKVM-style device, so I wanted to ask around and see what people more knowledgeable in this realm had to say so that I can approach building this, uh, less stupid-ly. The main issue I've had is just the overwhelming amount of information relating to building a KVM setup like this, so I figured I'd ask what kind of software/packages are necessary or if anyone has any tips on resources I might have missed. Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish: - Connect the SBC to my homelab (a salvaged Optiplex 7050) to make it easier to manage/access BIOS without lugging it onto my desk - The board should be accessible on the local network via web browser, sending video with *relatively* low latency and capturing key/mouse input Here's some basic info about my setup: - The most stable system for this board (in my experience) is Fedora IoT. The other OSes on the Pine64 wiki have given me issues with booting and Ethernet stability, especially the Armbian builds, and Fedora's given me no such - Because of this OS constraint, some of the DIY Pi-KVM setup scripts I've seen won't work. This OS is immutable and relies on rpm-ostree, which does affect the logistics somewhat - I've considered Alpine Linux, since a lighter base would be nice, but it requires compiling arm-trusted-firmware & u-boot for the board, which were giving me problems earlier. I'm sure I could put more effort into this pathway, but I haven't bet on it yet since I have no reason to believe the Fedora setup wouldn't work - The board has two USB 2.0 ports and a single Ethernet port. [From what I've seen](, this should suffice for the connections needed (one for video-in and another to send key/mouse over USB) Hopefully this is enough relevant information, let me know if there's anything else I should add. Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

Self-hosted diary
Looking for a self hosted diary type of service. Where I can login and write small topics, ideas, tag them and date them. No need for public access. Any recommendations? Edit: anybody using monicahq or has experience with it? Clarification: indeed I could use a general note taking app for this task. I already host and use silverbullet for general notes and such. I am looking at something more focused on daily events and connections. Like noting people met, sport activities and feedbacks, names, places... So tagging and date would be central, but as well as connections to calendar and contacts, and who knows what else... So I want to explore existing more advanced, more specialized apps. Edit2: I ended up with BookStack. MonicaHQ seems very nice but proved unable to install using containers. It would not obey APP_URL properly and would mess up constantly HTTP / HTTPS redirection. Community was unrepsonsive and apparently github issues are ignore lately. So i ditched MonicaHQ and switched to BookStack: installed in a breeze (again container) and a very simple NGINX setup just worked. I will be testing it out now.

Nginx 502, ssh not working.
I am currently out of town, and my server went down. All my services go through nginx, and suddenly started giving error 502. My SSH won't let me in. I had my sister reboot the server, and it still doesn't work. I apologize for the lack of details, but that is all I know, and I can't access logs. I've cleared cache, and used a VPN in case fail2ban got me. I recently got a tp link router, so it could be something with that, but it was working for a while. I will have her do another reboot, and if that doesn't work I will have her power off and unplug the server in case it was hacked. Edit: I have absolutely no clue why, but it works now. I literally did nothing. As far as I know, my sister hasn't touched it today. It just started working. Computers, man... Edit 2: Actually she said she did something. Not sure what, but it works now.

Web-Shop WYSISWG App
I'm looking for a (preferrably) self-hostable, FLOSS web-shop application that is easy for end-users to use (WYSIWYG, no need for script languages necessary, etc). Any hints are much appreciated.

Next up: Struggles getting my HBA to see SAS drives (don’t think it’s 3.3v or 512 vs 520). What should I try?
Me again, back with another probably dumb question, but you beautiful bastards have been so helpful so far, I can't stay away! I got 10x 10TB SAS drives from FB market place. They look like they're in good shape and the guy says he pulled them from the live server of a family member who passed. HGST. most/all are 2018. I brought them home and tried to mount them one-by-one in an xpenology VM to smart test them (easiest place I had set up for SMART tests). But most of my troubleshooting has just involved looking at the HBA menus in BIOS and seeing if the drives even show up. Currently only 1 seems to reliably. and I got a weird mix of drive showing up fine, but others not showing up at all. I also got a couple drives that passed a SMART test, then when I pulled them and tried to remount them later, they don't even show up? I tried using molex to SATA power adapters to rule out 3.3v, didn't help. I don't think it's formatting because some of them mounted at least once and they all came from the same server. I tried putting the HBA in another PCIe slot, plan to try the third slot tonight. I have this HBA, confirmed in BIOS it's in IT mode: (I'm having troubles finding a good manual for this board, by the way. there are flashing LEDs that may be trying to tell me something?) and these breakout cables: I might try another HBA, rule out bad board. I plan to try the third PCIe slot tonight, try to rule that out... What else? They could be just bad drives, but the seller seemed genuine and they look like they're in good shape. He even pinged me after the sale to see how they worked out for me.. doesn't seem like a scammer. Also, a couple questions: 1) these should be hot-swappable, right? and 2) what would happen if this PCIe x8 card is in a PICE x4 slot? Thanks again. You guys have been great! :)

a decentralized P2P todo list app to to demo the P2P framework used in the chat app. This is a wrapper around peerjs. peerjs is good, but it can become complicated to use on complicated projects. This implementation is an attempt to create something like a framework/guideline for decentralized messaging and state management. how it works: 1. crypto-random ids are generated and used to connect to peerjs-server (to broker a webrtc connection) 2. peer1 shares this ID to another browser/tab/person (use the storybook props) 3. peers are then automatically connected. 4. add todo item 5. edit todo item There are several things here to improve like: - general cleanup throughout (its early stage for this project and missing all the nice things like good-code and unit-tests) - adding extra encryption keys for messages comming in and going out (webrtc mandates encryption already) - handling message callbacks - key rotation The goal is to create a private and secure messaging library in JavaScript running in a browser.

Question about frp’s stcp saftey/security
I’ve just started hosting stuff and i’ve been using [frp](’s stcp to make stuff accessible when i’m at school. I was wondering if I should bother setting up/switching over to wireguard which is apparently the way to go?

I've been building MinimalChat for a while now, and based on the feedback I've received, it's in a pretty decent place for general use. I figured I'd share it here for anyone who might be interested! ### Quick Features Overview: * **Mobile PWA Support**: Install the site like a normal app on any device. * **Any OpenAI formatted API support**: Works with LM Studio, OpenRouter, etc. * **Local Storage**: All data is stored locally in the browser with minimal setup. Just enter a port and go in Docker. * **Experimental Conversational Mode (GPT Models for now)** * **Basic File Upload and Storage Support**: Files are stored locally in the browser. * **Vision Support with Maintained Context** * **Regen/Edit Previous User Messages** * **Swap Models Anytime**: Maintain conversational context while switching models. * **Set/Save System Prompts**: Set the system prompt. Prompts will also be saved to a list so they can be switched between easily. The idea is to make it essentially foolproof to deploy or set up while being generally full-featured and aesthetically pleasing. No additional databases or servers are needed, everything is contained and managed inside the web app itself locally. It's another chat client in a sea of clients but it is unique in its own ways in my opinion. Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated! Self Hosting Wiki Section

coturn can’t get access to certificates
My certificates are in /etc/letsencrypt/live/, and when I trying to start coturn I receiving: "0: : WARNING: cannot find certificate file..." I'm interested, what is the best way to solve this problem?

It's been a little bit, but I'm back! As usual, not my blog, just a good community share. Authors are on Mastodon at

I've not read this yet, just passing it along, as it looks really interesting. I'm not affiliated in any way with this. ETA: If anyone has read it / bought a copy, a review would be very appreciated.

Docker network internet access
Hey all! I'm having an issue that's probably simple but I can't seem to work it out. For some history (just in case it matters): I have a simple server running docker and all services being defined in docker-compose files. Probably doesn't matter, but I've switched between a few management UIs (Portainer, Dokemon, currently Dockge). Initially, I set everything up in Portainer (including the main network) and migrated everything over to Dockge. I was using Traefik labels but was getting a bit annoying since I tend to tinker on a tablet. I wanted something a bit more UI-focused so I switched to NPM. Now I'm going through all of my compose files and cleaning up a bunch of things like Traefik labels, homepage labels, etc... but I'm also trying to clean up my Docker network situation. My containers are all on the same network, and I want to slice things up a little better, e.g. I have the Cloudflared container and want to be selective about what containers it has access to network-wise. So, the meat of my issue is that my original network (call it `old_main`) seems to be the only one that can access the internet outbound. I added a new network called `cloudflared` and put just my Cloudflared container and another service on it and I get the `1033 ARGO Tunnel` error when accessing the service and Cloudflare says the tunnel is down. Same thing for other containers I try to move from `old_main`, SearXNG can't connect, Audiobookshelf can't search for author info, etc... I can connect to these services but they can't reach anything on the web. I have my docker daemon.json set to use my Pi-hole for DNS and I only see my services like `audiobookshelf.old_main` coming through. I also see the IP address of the `old_main` gateway coming into Pi-hole as `docker-host`. My goal is to add all of my services to new, more-specific networks then remove `old_main` but I don't want to drop the only network that seems to be able to communicate with the web until I have another that can. I'm not sure what else to look for, any suggestions? Let me know if you need more info.

Phone home tracking image in DocuSeal, and how to remove it
Kinda proud of this, so forgive me while I brag. I found a likely "phone home" tracking image in DocuSeal. I searched around: there was an extant issue about the image. I asked the devs: would they accept a PR to remove the image? A maintainer responded quickly that they were not interested in a PR to remove it, so I forked it in minutes with my tiny hack, built a new Docker image and re-deployed to my server after making a one-line change in a Docker Compose file. Here's the hack: Happy to share my compose config as well if folks are interested. I do want to put in a plug for DocuSeal: they made an excellent thing. It's a fast and beautiful app for adding signatures to PDFs, similar to DocuSign or HelloSign, but awesomely AGPL licensed and easy to self-host. I got it running in minutes and it worked very well. I support what they're doing and I want to see them succeed. OpenSign looks cool too but I haven't tried that one yet. So yeah. Self-hosting and FOSS FTW! --- cross-posted to: [reddit r/selfhosted]( (there's no additional content in the post at that link. Sorry, I should have posted on Lemmy first! Anyway, above is the copy/pasted post so you can get it without having to use reddit)

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    A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.


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