• 17 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I used logseq for about 6 months before I found Memos. LS was just always getting in my way. Memos just works, for me.

This is where I’ve landed too.

  • self hosting is dead simple.
    • so no syncing to be done across devices.
  • posts are saved as plain text files (in markdown).
    • so you can do what you need with them.
  • supports multi users, SSO, cloudflare R2 for storage if you need those things.

I love it. I do use it on mobile, in my browser too. I’ve been meaning too see what other clients are available for android.

You might like to search this community, and also \c\self_hosted, since this question gets asked a lot.

For me:

  • Audiobookshelf
  • Navidrome
  • FreshRss
  • Jellyfin
  • Forgejo
  • Memos
  • Planka
  • File Storage
  • Immich
  • Pihole
  • Syncthing
  • Dockge

I created two things - CodeNotes (for snippets) and a lil’ Weather app myself 'cause I didn’t like what I found out there.

Can someone please ELI5 Radicale for me?

I’ve come across it before but just can’t wrap my head around it. Thank you.

Tuta’s web client.

It gets the job done and I don’t use email much any more.

This is cool. I was able to add the Sharing option as you described, but I don’t see how to share still when I’m viewing my feed.

There is no “share” icon or link, that I can see.

Ohhh, the share link is only visible in the default view. I use Reading Mode exclusively and it’s not shown there. :(

Two definitions of self hosted
Disclaimer: I'm no expert on this. I realized recently there are two common types of Self Hosters here. 1. I work in IT and host some services for my employer so we don't have to rely on the big tech companies, for economic or other reasons. 2. I self host some services at home or on a VPS, as a hobby or for other reasons, but nobody pays me to do that. The answers people provide seem to vary greatly based on whether the commenter is in the #1 or #2 camp. I myself have gotten answers along the lines of, "why aren't you acting more like a paid IT person?" and it's a little off-putting. How to resolve this? Could we refer to one group or the other differently? Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of this than is warranted and I'm the only one confused? If nothing else, I will call out my hobby status from now on when posting/commenting here. **Edited to add:** TIL. I'll use these terms carefully in the future. Thanks!

I've not read this yet, just passing it along, as it looks really interesting. I'm not affiliated in any way with this. ETA: If anyone has read it / bought a copy, a review would be very appreciated.

Yes. Here’s an example file so you can see there’s not much in there for each entry.


As n OPML file just contains the definition of which feeds you want to follow, not the actual RSS data. They’re handy when you want to switch from one RSS reader to another. You can usually export the settings from your old service and import them into the new.

Check with your RSS service but importing an OPML file should always add new services to the list, not overwrite.

I don’t think an OPML file tracks what you’ve read or not but I could be wrong about that.

Yah, I have somebody’s 2048 game in my terminal here and play that when I need to stop thinking thoughts for a second.

OK, but pretend for a second that some of us are mere mortals. Is there a TUI game dev engine (?) we could learn to dev in fairly quickly? One that protects us from the pitfalls of the C language?

Asking for myself…

I taught myself some 2D game design and coding with Phaser. My idea was to recreate 80s arcade games like frogger and asteroids. It’s great for that and my games run in the browser, pure Javascript.


Just remember that making a game includes making artwork and sound and intro screens and more. It’s a lot of work.

2 … Is there a GUI (I know) way to see all applications, where they’re installed from, with an easy remove button? Akin to what windows offers?

For a GUI option, with KDE, I can go into the Discover app store, and then click the “Installed” link in the lower-right.


For a CLI way to list all apps, I found this page which gives this command:

for app in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/*.desktop; do app="${app##/*/}"; echo "${app::-8}"; done | sort

Have fun finding the best option for your system.

I believe it’s helps expose apps running on a home server to the public internet, securely. It allows self hosters to tie internal apps to a domain name. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

Has anyone checked out this ipv6rs service yet?
From their site: > Instantly launch your favorite internet appliance with just a click using Cloud Seeder, our open-source server appliance platform for everyone, or use your skills and manually setup a home server lab. With IPv6rs, you will have the external IP you need to self host on your home computer or mobile device. $10 a month, or $60 for a year, or $80 for 2 years. Seems they give you an externally routable IP6 address, and then make that route to your home network, where you still have to run the server. They do have an app which is meant to make it easier to install podman containers for whatever service you want to run. For some reason, they call those "appliances". Not a fan of that word. Before anyone jumps in to say, "Pffft. I do this now for free" - this isn't aimed at you then, is it? It's aimed at making it possible for less technical people to self-host some of their digital life, which is a good thing in general, in my mind. Kind of like how Linux needed more user-friendly distros for the masses to increase adoption. Good on them, I say, and good luck.

Aha! I found it –

Remake by Connie Willis


Remake is a 1995 science fiction novel by Connie Willis. It was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1996. The book displays a dystopic near future, when computer animation and sampling have reduced the movie industry to software manipulation.

Great book, well worth reading still.

Oh snap, thanks - I was mixing up The Diamond Age with another book, yes. Ractors are from Stephenson, but I also had another author’s books in my head. See? Feeble mind. There’s still another woman author I need to track down and re-read here.

Someone help me out please. Who was the 90s sci-fi author who predicted actors would go away and all movies would be made using cgi /ai? She had characters in the book, watching movies starring Humphrey Bogart and John Wayne, as detectives solving crimes (and so on). She also predicted “ractors”, people who act in front of a camera, so a computer can use their motion and expressions to animate a character on screen in real time.

My feeble brain, I swear… In any case, thanks to her, knew this day was coming. Gonna be a wild ride though.

I know what you mean but I copied the github project’s description verbatim.

You can bring the price down some by reducing the ram (since I think 16gb is plenty for this purpose) and the storage (like if you already have a NAS).

I use FreshRss, which I know doesn’t help OP, but I still love it. I get images worth most posts on my feed, assuming the article has one. Just saying…


🚀 An open source alternative to searx which provides a modern-looking ✨, lightning-fast ⚡, privacy respecting 🥸, secure 🔒 meta search engine


Intel NUC 10 Mini PC,Frost Canyon NUC10i5FNHN,Win10 Pro Intel Core i5-10210U,Up to 4.2GHz Turbo,4 Cores,25W Intel UHD Graphics,WiFi6,Thunderbolt 3(64GB RAM+1TB SSD)

$570 USD

This is basically what I run my home server apps with, all 10 or so in Docker. It’s way more $$$ than you’re hoping for but it kicks ass.

Good luck,

Made me smile. It’s good with me.

The reason I have a “ls.bat” batch file on my Windows PC and a “d.sh” script in linux. Both added to my path, of course

I have no experience with NC, but the sense i get is yes, once you go that direction, you can do a lot with it.

Mine are:

  • FreshRss (news)

  • Jellyfin (media)

  • Immich (photo backup)

  • Paperless (document backup)

  • Forgejo (code forge)

  • Syncthing (file move arounder)

  • Filebroswer (file backup)

  • Planka (lists, to-dos)

  • Navidrome (music)

  • PiHole (ad block, dns)

Have fun!

You always have that option, of course, but thanks to this list, I just learned about Plappa (a custom front end for jellyfin and audiobookshelf, etc…) . I wouldn’t have found that on my own, most likely, and I like the idea of having one client for all of that media so I’ll check it out.

Yes, please. And thank you to everyone who does the heavy lifting for me.

The company lists possible applications of the new robot as “wildfire control and prevention,” “agricultural management,” “ecological conservation,” “snow and ice removal,” and “entertainment and SFX.”

Or another use I just thought of:

Accelerating the updating of laws in 48 states.

I’m checking out goatcounter now and so far, it looks great. Thanks for this suggestion!

Thank you for this. I will definitely check out Railway.

ETA: I checked out Railway and their $5 a month plan is still more than I can spend rn. But I will keep them in mind for future uses.

Thanks for this idea - the counting would be easy, but I don’t have anywhere to store the numbers. With my free Netlify account and my static web site, I don’t have a DB and and can’t write to a file when someone visits, at least not that I know of.

Sure but I can’t have a HTML or JS file write to any file on my web server directly, so I can’t store a number anywhere in Netlify to increment a counter.

Recommendations please: Self-hosted web site analytics
Hello y'all! I have my personal (static) website / blog running on netlify out on the public internet. Netlify, in case you're not familiar, is not a traditional web host, so I can't add databases or anything else like that on the server itself. Right now, that site has zero analytics / visitor tracking and I've decided I want to fix that. I want to know how many people visited my site and which pages they looked at. I am NOT looking to monetize anything though, to be clear. I want to self-host that analytics service at home, on my home server, but I need two things, please: 1. Recommendations for which app to use. I've checked out Umami and Plausible and they both look good for my meager purposes. But please - let me know which app makes sense for a personal web site with low-ish traffic. Is there something simpler I could do? 2. Help getting the reverse proxy set up so my public web site can send analytics data into my home server. I would prefer this to be entirely under my control, so no CloudFlare or Tailscale, for instance. Is Caddy an option? I get really confused really quickly about this level of networking, to be clear, so maybe I just need a really plain-English guide to handling this sort of thing? Thanks for any / all ideas! Y'all so totally rock! **ETA:** A little more info about Netlify and why I can't install or use tools other traditional web hosts might offer. ** SECOND EDIT**: Thanks to @andrew@radiation.party for the goatcounter suggestion, I am trying that out now for the analytics side of this. Getting it set up was easy and free, using their server. (I know, I know...) If I still like the app after the next couple of weeks, I will move it in-house and self-host. That gives me a couple of weeks to figure out my second issue above, how to have my public web site make requests to my self-hosted, behind the firewall/NAT service. Yay, more learning!

Composerize - online tool converts docker commands to compose yml
I had an issue recently with getting FileBrowser to run and while researching that, I found this tool which creates a docker-compose.yml file from a docker run command. It worked well for me, so I am passing it along to you all. I hope someone else finds this helpful. (Not my tool / site, to be clear)

Help getting Ubuntu with KDE to sleep
My PC is running Ubuntu 22.04, with KDE Plasma 5.24. When I select Sleep from the Application Launcher, it always starts t go to sleep, but then it seems like a 50-50 chance that it will stay asleep. Many times, it wakes right back up again within 10 seconds. If I try to make it sleep two or more times, sometimes it will eventually sleep but not always. I've done some searching and cannot find a resolution to this. It seems I'm not the only one too - https://superuser.com/questions/1795451/kde-plasma-does-not-sleep 1. Is there a sure-fire way to tell Ubuntu KDE to sleep? 2. If not, what are some things which might wake it up again? Thanks!

Around 2000 or so, I used to work in tech support for a software company who had like 5000 Windows-based customers and 5 running Solaris. My boss chose me to learn Solaris when the previous "expert" left. I bought this book and started hacking. Good times!

Nifty terminal command: xdg-open
*Just sharing something neat I learned today about Linux...* In Windows, I used to do this a lot: -- Be at a command prompt, in some directory, e.g.: C:\my files\more files -- When I need to see that same folder in the Windows GUI, I'd type: start . (note the period, meaning "this directory") -- The Windows file manager would open in a new window, focused on that same folder as the path. I realized today I didn't know how to do that in Linux (I'm on Ubuntu) so I searched around and found the `xdg-open` command. The man page for `xdg-open` says: > xdg-open opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application. If a URL is provided the URL will be opened in the user's preferred web browser. At any terminal prompt, I type something like: `xdg-open .` or `xdg-open ~/Documents` And boom! A new KDE Dolphin files window appears, focused on that path. or this works too, but with a browser: `xdg-open http://eff.org` Rock and/or roll!

Pinry, the open-source tiling image board
Pinry is like Pinterest, but open source and you can very easily self-host it. I just installed it a few days ago and it's really easy to learn; I've saved a few images in it that I wanted to keep. It's very handy, IMO. This is the first self-hosted app I've installed that I think my family will want to use as well. Now, my SO and I can share pictures of things we want to work on around the house and such, and my kid can share pics of the dogs. Not exactly essential software but fun nonetheless! The install via Docker was very easy. Just [follow these steps](https://docs.getpinry.com/install-with-docker/). Just ***don't*** do what I did at first and follow the readme from [a now out of date github repo](https://github.com/pinry/docker-pinry). That doesn't work any more. The source is here - https://github.com/pinry/pinry Once you have it up, there's a bookmarklet visible from the home page that makes it very easy to "post" an image from any other site to your Pinry site in just a couple of clicks. There are Chrome and Firefox extensions instead, if you prefer. But wait - there's more! There's also an API included which would allow you to, for instance, post a Pin to your boards from the console via curl. All in all, this is good stuff and I thank the team who are working on it very much.

What are the major components of any Linux distribution?
Hi all - I am learning about Linux and want to see if my understanding is correct on this - the list of *major parts* of any distro: 1. the Linux Kernel 1. GRUB or another bootloader 1. one or more file systems (gotta work with files somehow, right?) 1. one or more Shells (the terminal - bash, zsh, etc...) 1. a Desktop Environment (the GUI, if included, like KDE or Gnome - does this include X11 or Wayland or are those separate from the DE?) 1. a bunch of Default applications and daemons (is this where systemd fits int? I know about the GNU tools, SAMBA, CUPS, etc...) 1. a Package Manager (apt, pacman, etc...) Am I forgetting anything at this 50,000 foot level? I know there are lots of other things we can add, but what are the most important things that ALL Linux distributions include? Thanks!

Fascinating what we can do when there's lots of money available and a lot of bright, motivated people. This is my home state so, heck yeah!

Self-hosted weather app?
It occurred to me today that I am hosting more and more services locally, but I still rely on a 3rd party weather app on my PC and phone. Generally, they suck as a class of applications - so much surveillance. I searched around and found a couple Reddit threads from years ago, before Apple killed off the DarkSky API. But I think there are still free APIs, yes? Are there any good FOSS current weather and forecasting self hosting options now? Thanks! I'm in the US if that matters.

Sharing the link to this project I found and really like. It's simple to setup with docker, simple to use but really helpful for people not already doing full-on budgeting, financial management. It's allowed to me quickly setup all of my monthly, yearly, etc... subscriptions and see them in one place. It includes this nice summary screen so you can see what you're spending at a glance. (This is from my server but these are not the real numbers) https://i.imgflip.com/85ltw7.jpg

Loving this weekly summary of things happening with self-hosting apps, etc...

Self hosting on an Android mobile?
Hey y'all, I was reading this [self hosting user survey at selfh.st](https://selfh.st/survey/2023-results/) and noticed that some people said they self-host on a mobile phone. I have an Android phone here I could use and I can picture setting up the phone and then just leaving it plugged in, in a corner somewhere. That seems like a good use for all that computing power but I'm not sure how to get started. I found this article showing how we can use a phone for a web server: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/host-a-web-server-on-android But is there any way to host other apps / services on a phone? Does it have to be rooted first? Any pitfalls or other tips you can share when to doing this? Thanks!

How will I know how many services I can run on my self hosted server?
Hi y'all. I've got an Intel Nuc 10 here. I want to run a few apps on it, like BitWarden, PiHole, NextCloud, Wireguard, and maybe more, just for my own use, inside my home. Is there a way to guage whether the hardware is up to the task in advance? Like, if love to be able to plan this by saying, "this container will use x MB of ram and 5% of the cpu" and so on? I want to run everything on this one PC since that's all I have right now. EDITED TO ADD: T****hank you all! Great info. :thumbsup

How do you keep track of all apps you install and their configurations?
Earlier this year, I built a new PC and it's running Ubuntu. I've been installing various apps and configuring them since then. Now, I realize I don't have any way of knowing what I would want to reinstall, if I (for instance) lost this drive somehow. How do you keep track of what you've installed/ your favorite apps? Separately, how can I backup the configurations I'm using right now. Thanks!