Admin & sysadmin of a Warframe-focused Lemmy instance at

Developer of a UI mod for Vivaldi Browser:

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


As others have already said, Lemmy does not require a display.

You might want to try the Ansible method of setting up a Lemmy instance. I personally found it much easier.

Since both services store your notes as markdown files on your disk, you can just move your files over. When spinning up a docker container, you likely defined a path for your SilverBullet space. If not, try creating a note and see if you can find it on your disk.

Your instance will still exist, and federation should continue as normal if you manage to reclaim the original domain.

If you have to switch to a new one, however, federation will be very awkward. Other instances will essentially treat you as a brand-new instance, and mirrors of old content will be “orphaned” and no longer sync.

This is going to be a surprise to you, but proprietary software is indeed allowed to exist on Linux.

There is zero guarantee they are not logging.

There is also zero guarantee that they are logging. Both are equally true.

DDG has ads based off of search keywords.

That’s still using the general DDG userbase as a product. Just because the ads aren’t personalized, doesn’t mean you’re not a product for ad placement.

Wikipedia is entirely donations.

Wikipedia is run by a non-profit organization. If something offered by a business is free, then you are the product.

What’s wrong with simply switching as soon as enshittification starts? You’re not making any permanent commitments to it.

You can check the issues page on the lemmy-ui repo yourself to see if this has already been reported.

Unlimited Kagi searches for $10 per month | Kagi Blog
[Kagi]( is a paid alternative to ad-supported search engines like Google and DuckDuckGo. It has recently revised its pricing model, reducing the cost for a plan with unmetered searches from $25 per month to $10. Kagi boasts the following (and more) features: - Blocking or boosting specific domains in your search results - "Lenses", which are individual setting profiles (e.g. region locks, domain whitelists) that can be applied to search queries - All of the Bangs that DuckDuckGo has (e.g. type "!yt" in front of your query to immediately search on - Universal Summarizer, which works with any website, PDF document, YouTube video and more [This blog post]( goes into full details about Kagi's capabilities.

I’m supposed to be getting Linux tips from this guy?

No. You’re supposed to see what kind of experience someone who didn’t use Linux before would have.

How could someone who has never used Linux know that he was about to nuke his system, after typing in the command that the internet told him to type in to install Steam?

I didn’t watch the full vid to see what he did to get there.

Then you should.

Linus just wanted to install Steam and found a solution on the internet that told him to type the command “sudo apt-get install Steam”.

Your contributions to the Lemmy ecosystem are much appreciated 🙏🏼

Ubuntu has the largest community around it, meaning you’ll find help for it the fastest.

Granted, some issues are distro-agnostic, but you can’t always know whether yours is, especially if you are newer to Linux.

What would you like to manage?

If you know SQL, you can view your users in the database directly.

You can upload your own CSS files to a directory of your server to make them available as themes:

Additionally, lemmy-ui has a flag called LEMMY_UI_CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER which I assume allows you to add a JS script to be executed on page load, which you could use to modify the HTML after the fact.

To modify the HTML in a more proper way, you’d have to pull the lemmy-ui project (, make your changes and then build your own docker container with it.

My instance has been running for around 3½ weeks now, has a 3-digit amount of users and hosts a community with little more than 1000 subscribers. Here’s how much storage it currently takes up:

  • 6.2 GiB postgres
  • 4.9 GiB pictrs

In the default Ansible configuration, storage will mostly be accumulated by log files that are automatically generated by Docker and deleted whenever you restart the Docker containers.

Are you planning on donating to instances that don’t purge old data?

After what happened to imgur and gfycat, definitely their own image hosting service.