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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


More than likely it’s because of that book and how often it’s qouted

Lemon asks whether Musk should take responsibility if X fails. “Doesn’t the buck stop with you?” Lemon asks. Musk replies by telling Lemon to “choose your question carefully, there’s five minutes left.”.

Lol what a baby

I’m glad you asked, people provided some great answers.

Good rule of thumb is just don’t mess with company property at all, cuz they’ll know. For example I simply turned a wall TV on one weekend so my skeleton crew had something to do, and I was asked why a few days later. If it’s electronic they can track it.

Ah thanks.
How many of those do people actually use though?

How many actual PC handhelds are there?
The link in the article that promises “plenty” of handheld examples talks about Steam deck, Asus, and… the switch. And that’s it. And obviously the switch is not a PC handheld, so… ?

In case you’re wondering what GameVault is, it’s like having your own video gaming platform for games on your server – think Plex, but for video games

I have absolutely no idea what anything you listed is, other than updating the OS and other programs 🤷‍♂️

9 years I had to sing it. I don’t remember it past The first two lines. But I like to block things like that out in my head.

You’re a hero. I hope your customers notice what your doing for them.

Idk. But I think if you say crumpets three times fast they break away from your continent.

Check out the article linked below. I’m interested in what you think after that. Especially with the states that forbid including tax in displayed prices (and why they don’t).

I didn’t know about that until I just read it.

It’s like the national anthem. It’s drilled into our heads since birth, but no one actually knows it.

The tax drives me crazy. The excuse for not displaying the total price after tax is because it’s different for each state. …yet the cash register seems to be able to handle that perfectly fine. So it can’t that hard to figure it out.

Edit: after a quick look into it, the main problem is tax in a lot of places is based on the Total amount sold, not on each item. So that could definitely be impossible to display before hand.

I recommend reading either the quoted text, or the article. Preferably both.

They government is charging them those fees. And the government has said that they do not need to pass those fees onto the customer.

In order to operate they must pay those fees. They do not need to charge the customer those fees. But they do anyways.

Thus, they are passing the cost of doing business onto the customer.

Read the quoted text.

Is it the only issue? No. It is part of the issue. And the FCC called them out on it.

I like to imagine people doing that in an every day conversation. It’s ridiculous. No one would ever talk to them lol

Why does everyone try to prove everyone else wrong? That entire first paragraph is completely unnecessary. You can simply add to a discussion without being "well actually " about some detail you want to nitpick. The other two paragraphs are spot on.

This is why the ISPs don’t want to do it. The FCC told them:

Providers are free, of course, to not pass these fees through to consumers to differentiate their pricing and simplify their Label display if they believe it will make their service more attractive to consumers and ensure that consumers are not surprised by unexpected charges.

The ISPs refuse to eat the costs of doing business. They know people will shit when they see all the fees that customers do not need to pay are being charged to them.

There will be lawsuits when the fees are listed.

I agree. That is the heart of the problem.

I don’t get why PDFs are so hard to open. The format has been around for ever. Why does Adobe have such a grasp on it, and why isn’t it as common to open as a txt?

There are free programs that’ll open it, but it’s few and far between. It’s a pain in the ass to find one.

I looked it up. Adobe created PDF, but:

Anyone may create applications that can read and write PDF files without having to pay royalties to Adobe Systems; Adobe holds patents to PDF, but licenses them for royalty-free use in developing software complying with its PDF specification.

Ohmygod people other than you are using the public services! The pollution!

Seriously though, it’s going to be different in every city. Your city might not be a good place for them. My city has them being used all the time.

I’m glad you’re not over exaggerating or anything

My city still has them. They get picked up every night and put at whatever corners or lots they gather them to.

Honestly in my experience anyone that’s complained about them has no idea at all what they do or how they work, so anyone “fed up finding them everywhere” is simply ignorant 99% of the time. They’re supposed to be everywhere lol that’s the entire point.

Hey guys, I have a thin client sitting in my closet. Any suggestions on what I can do with it?
I'm not going to network anything. It needs to be flashed or whatever to reset it. Can it be used as a storage device, or maybe an emulator box? I'm clueless over here. Any advice and suggestions would be great. Thanks!