an old dude

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


It’s fun that somebody uses a shitty llm for summary and then calls something stupid

It’s one of those things where you talk about them once they are done. I’m transitioning to quitting smoking

No, the point is in having a for profit org and something like the blender foundation. It’s about trust, not just the crappy llm thing, about the thing where they say everybody wants this

Yeah, but we’re talking trust here. Why should they do privacy if they already give your data to some llm thing?

Wait was it privacy or was it having an intrusive “ai” bullshit thing? I can’t remember exactly Jokes aside, proton is not something we should look up to. Blender is a great example of a thing where various people contribute and somehow nobody needs to suck off facebook, the thing works and is getting better, usually listens to their community, there is no bullshit corporate structure and a ceo that needs his parachute gilded etc

$730 is really something. I guess I’m just not rich enough to even consider that kind of price. I mean, I can just get a used e-ink reader for like… 40 bucks or less and have 90% of the experience

Sure, but I would make an exception for meta because they are genocide enablers. Even if that’s too much I don’t understand people who keep saying it’s all fine, it’s great even.

The whole community won’t lie down, but a lot of the visible members will spread their legs. This is the nazi at the table situation, and for a project that was supposedly created to get away from the toxic model of facebook and twitter this is something like a parody. The only people who get something out if this are the people who are not us. Now maybe you are right, maybe the community will prevail. It’s just that it doesn’t have to shoot its own feet every two minutes in the dumbest fucking way possible

Bought github, doing shitty ai crap with it etc, forcing logins

They were doing ok. But the github thing and the 11 thing and the edging and now this - I can’t wait to buy a machine that can run windows virtualised. I need it for my work apps, but this virt thing has been a dream of mine for a long time. Compartmentalization

There is also ondsel, which is basically freecad with some polish maybe. It looks the same to me. But one day when they solve the topology renaming thing and when they have an interface that’s not openly hostile I’d love to try it

Hey I can pay you in turnips, it’s better than having a normal money operation. Like, it doesn’t matter that gumroad is turning to crap, we have turnips. People mock my turnips

I think in my part of europe cable is the only realistic solution, every home cellular thing has a download limit. All of the cable offerings here are flat

A serious question - when will nvidia stop selling their products and start asking for rent? Like 50 bucks a month is a 4070, your hardware can be a 4090 but thats a 100 a month. I give it a year

Dude you don’t get to decide what I’m angry about. The term is extremely inaccurate, you don’t sideload shit on your computer, right? It’s yours. I don’t sideload shelves, I put them on my wall. So I’d say the offensive part is that somebody who gets my money gets to decide if I own something.

That’s always my trigger, fucking ‘sideloading’. Jesus christ it’s installing shit. Installing. There was never a need for such a pissy horrible concept in the firstplace, a bootlicking special if there ever was one

I don’t know, I keep replying to things. It’s about linux not being this magical solution and everybody in the world stupid for not using it? It’s about people not being able to drop their shit and move their work where it can’t be moved, to an os that’s radically different?

Oh I don’t “need” it at all, like I don’t “need” my job, electricity or running water. Autodesk shit, some other things. Imagine - it doesn’t work on anything except windows. And it’s like that for 70 or 80 percent of my colleagues (there are things for apple). And let me tell you, Autodesk barely want to make thigs work on windows, they hate their customers for real

The point is that we need things that work to keep working. Not pass the shit to the poors, keep using what works

I guess most of the world is stuck jerking off to oss instead of working whatever their professions are. Anyway, we get windows 10 support until 2028 I guess? So nobody cares about all of this shit anyway. Oh, and for the dudes with the idea of sending western used crap to poor kids… wow

I’m called the vast majority. I can’t use my software on wine because it’s not supported by my vendors. It’s nice that you use things, but try working in architecture, civil engineering and construction and let me know how that works for you.

Let me be even more condescending - I use things I need to do my work. I don’t jerk off to linux or windows. If there was an option to move to mac I would do it. That’s using a thing like normal person, you use thing get money

It’s not possible. I need software that runs only on windows, so as much as I’d like to I can never switch. The only thing I can do is maybe do a vm passthrough thing - except I don’t want to spend a couple of grand on a new pc. People have jobs, real jobs, we have to work instead of fucking around distro hopping. A whole bunch of people could possibly switch to linux, but it’s still such a major pain in the ass that nobody will do it unless they are forced into it. Expect hacked win 11 installs

This is complete and utter bullshit. We have enough of everything to start solving housing this second. Workers aren’t a problem, locations aren’t a problem. We lack the political will to do it, read: we don’t want to do it. Having “AI” tell you why you don’t want to do it is just wasteful

Ai has literally nothing to with that. We can do housing this second if we wanted to do it

For some reason I always felt they were not trustworthy, like years and years. This doesn’t come as a surprise

Yes! Thank you so much for checking, this means I can finally start using it 😁


It works for real! The interface is still a bit clunky but holy hell the tags make a world of difference for me. Amazing!

Thanks, it’s something I can never find out without installing, heartbroken about it

Yeah, let me just change my profession real quick, fuck the 20 years I have invested. I’ll just do a tapdance on my eyelashes for the neckbeards and everybody will be happy weee

Having an option to choose s3 inconveniences most humans? Wtf? And the clearly broken option is good? Are we on reddit?

Such a serious company and grownups. No wonder all the nft dudes are so into ‘ai’

I’m sure there are use cases, it’s just that there’s much too much hullabaloo about it all. Some people can get something out of it, they’ll fire their workers, that’s about it. But I can’t use it for shit because I want to control what’s being done, don’t do text processing at all. But I smell the crypto dudes that are clinging to the whole thing, a dripping mess of turds wanking off to fanciful stories about ai. It’s language models all the way down