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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


There are a bunch of free channels on the internet that some TVs can just stream without a dedicated app. These channels are supported by ads like cable/whatever channels, but not locked behind a subscription. VLC is supporting whatever formats they use to allow (or make it easier; IDK) people to watch them if they want.

The other part is that they’re working on web assembly to allow sites to use VLC as their embedded video player.

Discord supports threaded topic based formats as well.

The reality is that for a lot of interactions, a live chat feels better than a forum post. You can very easily do both on discord, though.

It’s not perfect, but the alternatives that aren’t a whole project by themselves building a tool don’t have feature parity, or the user base.

“Monitors” are smaller.

And the minimum cost of entry to anything reasonably sized is double to triple. Changing some settings is well worth it.

The problem is that “don’t let people game you” is extremely difficult.

It’s many, many orders of magnitude easier to provide a useful search of sites that tell you the truth about what they are than it is when 99% of sites lie to you.

I’ve had decent experience with nobara with a 2080. I had a couple hiccups early, and had to reinstall basically right away, but after that it’s been solid.

I’ve definitely noticed the results suck ass, but this is a nice breakdown.

That shouldn’t work. They should still be unconditionally liable for anything the rep said in all scenarios, with the sole exception being obvious sabotage like “we’ll give you a billion dollars to sign up” that the customer knows can’t be real.

“AR” has always been sci-fi. The details you’re discussing have never been part of the discussion because it was fiction.

This is far more AR than any of the shitty displays that project on glasses (all of which also are distorting and changing the light from the real world) and don’t have meaningful capacity to interact with the real world inputs. Any reasonable definition of AR absolutely is including the Apple Vision. It’s the real world, in real time, with all the inputs and processing capability required to interact with it.

All your other complaints have nothing whatsoever to do with your silly definition of AR made for the sole purpose of excluding the most exciting piece of tech in the space ever. Weight and battery capacity are also completely unrelated to any possible valid definition of what AR is.

They didn’t do a clear coat like everything else ever made lol.

Apple hasn’t called it AR.

But it absolutely is AR. If you can see the real world in real time, with additional information on top of it, that’s AR. Your requirement that it not be on a screen is completely arbitrary and has no basis behind it whatsoever.

If the source isn’t available at all, yeah. Which is why I brought up the FTC to begin with (since Google is in the US).

But I doubt they’d act if the license isn’t permissive enough.

The FTC takes action against false advertising.

“Open Source” doesn’t have a singular legally relevant definition no matter what organizations claim otherwise, though.

To turn every comment, no matter how on topic, into obnoxious spam.

I really want absolutely no part of people who don’t understand code using LLMs to submit things they don’t understand. That’s a disaster waiting to happen at best.

If you don’t understand every line you’re submitting completely, you should not be submitting code. It absolutely does need to be restricted to people who know what they’re doing.

It already has legitimacy. It’s their hardware that doesn’t, despite the decent raw flops and high memory.

I’m not sure what you think is contradicting me. I put “free” in quotes. But they’re not making meaningful additional license purchases by changing the name from 10 to 11 with how much they’re begging people to upgrade. And Mac straight up makes zero from licensing fees, so again, a new name doesn’t mean anything. They abandon hardware with new versions when enough core functions need hardware features to work properly, which happens regardless of what they call it.

Enterprise pays plenty for Windows, but those licenses are all subscription based so new versions don’t mean anything there either.

Pay what?

Mac hasn’t charged for an OS in ages, and Windows has given “free upgrades” for several version because they’re stealing more data and want people to switch.

They’ve been designed for nvidia because cuda is better.

And because nvidia has been pushing hardware features needed for AI way before AMD has even considered it for ages.

They don’t need to make it impossible to do anything else. They just need to make their shitty proprietary solution the lowest friction.

It could just be that windows is obnoxious and likes to do its best to break shit, and they don’t want to deal with helping people figure out how to repair it in limited dev time.

It’s disgusting.

It should be illegal to require any personal information unless you can prove that it’s literally impossible to provide your service without it, and always illegal to share that information with anyone (but a payment provider exclusively for verification purposes) for any reason.

Maintaining another account is maintaining another account.

It absolutely is meaningful friction, and it absolutely is a perfectly valid reason not to engage.

On kindle, if you tap the middle of the screen, then click the little Aa up top, you get formatting options. On reflowable formats, you can go to the more tab and uncheck the animation button. On ones that are fixed pages, it should be one of the only options.

Same, have a boox, getting a second boox, and really wish I had a better option to track location across devices. KOReader is a nice reader experience, but browsing books sucks. I use a blend of moon reader and the built in app depending on my mood, but neither feels as good as maple reader on my iPad, and nothing I’ve found can really sync my location.


I keep not getting to it, so can’t vouch for it, but Kavita looks like it’s worth trying.

They’re the exact same thing. There is no distinction that can theoretically be made.

The reason projects are choosing GitHub over alternatives is because they know, with certainty, that they will get far less interaction with their project anywhere else.

User count absolutely matters for code hosting platforms, and it absolutely is a social network. Network effect is critical and the entire premise of this article.

But 99% of people won’t. Choosing that platform massively shrinks your community.

I’m not saying don’t do it and try to grow that ecosystem if you want to. I’m all for federated becoming the standard going forward. But don’t judge people not wanting to massively compromise their project with a platform that actually is massively worse because it doesn’t have people there.

But, to be clear, I am not asking you to use inferior platforms for philosophical or altruistic reasons.

Except you just called people selfish for it a paragraph up. A platform that depends on human interaction without humans to interact with is an inferior platform regardless of technical merit.

Going where people are isn’t selfish. It’s rational.

Not everyone values the same things you do. Flatpaks aren’t the cause of the fact that different applications don’t function correctly with different versions of libraries; they’re just the solution.

Flatpak is better for normal people. It’s better for most advanced users who don’t want to micromanage compatibility issues. And it really doesn’t have an impact on people who do want to micromanage because all your alternative ways to install software are still there.

If you’re actually expecting people to transition without asking for help on a regular basis, you don’t know people.

You just made yourself their IT guy for life.

I think it’s a mixed bag. Some of the friction is just because people are used to the stupid ways Windows does stuff.

But there’s other stuff like needing to manually change some downloaded files to have permission to execute that it makes sense for casual users to find confusing.

You may wish to pick a distro that makes a point of nvidia compatibility.

I use nobara, who have a few options in the welcome script specifically to improve compatibility with nvidia. I’ve specifically heard popOS mentioned several times as one people have liked with nvidia as well.

Some only ship with or distribute alternative open source nvidia drivers that tank performance.

What are you talking about?

Despite the fact that GPS trackers without restrictions literally already existed, are unconditionally legal and legitimate to have, and were readily available to bad actors, they heavily limited the functionality out of the gate to limit the benefit to malicious use cases.

Try it?

I haven’t really needed to virtualize anything lately, but my understanding is that some of the options on Linux are pretty light weight. Frpm discussion I’ve seen, I think distrobox could resolve the issue with minimal overhead if you have issues natively, though I haven’t personally experimented with it or its limitations.

We have identified several clusters where users have granted Kubernetes privileges to the system:authenticated group

lol if that’s the whole thing, blaming Google is laughable, unless they default to that somewhere or have faulty documentation. That’s not a security flaw with their tools.